C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.17CEST01:04:36 2018ApJ...855..113D2018ApJ...855..113D -------------------------------------- 2018ApJ...855..113D 10.3847/1538-4357/aaab6a Astrophys. J., 855, 113-113 (2018/March-2) Constraints on metal oxide and metal hydroxide abundances in the winds of AGB stars: potential detection of FeO in R Dor. DECIN L., DANILOVICH T., GOBRECHT D., PLANE J.M.C., RICHARDS A.M.S., GOTTLIEB C.A. and LEE K.L.K. -Files: (abstract) -Simbad objects: 5 Number of objects : 5 #| obj tags |obj count| raw id | identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) | Mag U | Mag B | Mag V | Mag R | Mag I | spec. type |#bib |#not -|----------|---------|----------------------------|-----------------------------------|---|---------------------------------------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------------|-----|---- 1|akcdx | 19|IK Tau |V* IK Tau |OH*|03 53 28.8924743304 +11 24 21.895183368|16.99 |14.463 |16.171 |14.101 | ~ |M7-11 | 640 | 0 2|takcx | 34|R Dor |V* R Dor |AB*|04 36 45.59127 -62 04 37.7974 |7.84 |6.98 |5.40 |2.71 |-0.44 |M8III:e | 346 | 0 3|x | 2|CW Leo |IRC +10216 |C* |09 47 57.40632 +13 16 43.5648 | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ |C9,5e |2344 | 0 4|x | 2|Galactic center |NAME Galactic Center |reg|17 45 39.60213 -29 00 22.0000 | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ |~ |14459| 0 5|x | 3|Sgr B2 M;Sagittarius B2 Main|NAME Sgr B2 Main |Rad|17 47 20.5 -28 23 06 | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ |~ | 408 | 1 ================================================================================