SIMBAD references

2016ApJ...830..148C - Astrophys. J., 830, 148-148 (2016/October-3)

The primordial deuterium abundance of the most metal-poor damped Lyman-α system.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report the discovery and analysis of the most metal-poor damped Lyα (DLA) system currently known, which also displays the Lyman series absorption lines of neutral deuterium. The average [O/H] abundance of this system is [O/H] = -2.804 ± 0.015, which includes an absorption component with [O/H] = -3.07 ± 0.03. Despite the unfortunate blending of many weak D i absorption lines, we report a precise measurement of the deuterium abundance of this system. Using the six highest-quality and self-consistently analyzed measures of D/H in DLAs, we report tentative evidence for a subtle decrease of D/H with increasing metallicity. This trend must be confirmed with future high-precision D/H measurements spanning a range of metallicity. A weighted mean of these six independent measures provides our best estimate of the primordial abundance of deuterium, 105 (D/H)P = 2.547 ± 0.033 (log10 (D/H)P=-4.5940±0.0056). We perform a series of detailed Monte Carlo calculations of Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) that incorporate the latest determinations of several key nuclear reaction cross-sections, and propagate their associated uncertainty. Combining our measurement of (D/H)P with these BBN calculations yields an estimate of the cosmic baryon density, 100 ΩB,0 h2(BBN) = 2.156 ± 0.020, if we adopt the most recent theoretical determination of the d(p,γ)3He reaction rate. This measure of ΩB,0 h2 differs by ∼2.3σ from the Standard Model value estimated from the Planck observations of the cosmic microwave background. Using instead a d(p,γ)3He reaction rate that is based on the best available experimental cross-section data, we estimate 100 ΩB,0 h2(BBN) = 2.260 ± 0.034, which is in somewhat better agreement with the Planck value. Forthcoming measurements of the crucial d(p,γ)3He cross-section may shed further light on this discrepancy.

Abstract Copyright: © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): cosmology: observations - cosmology: theory - primordial nucleosynthesis - quasars: absorption lines - quasars: individual: J1358+0349

Simbad objects: 6

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