SIMBAD references

2015A&A...582A.115I - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 582A, 115-115 (2015/10-1)

New measurements of Ωm from gamma-ray bursts.


Abstract (from CDS):

Data from cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), and supernovae Ia (SNe-Ia) support a constant dark energy equation of state with w0~-1. Measuring the evolution of w along the redshift is one of the most demanding challenges for observational cosmology. We discuss the existence of a close relation for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), named Combo-relation, based on characteristic parameters of GRB phenomenology such as the prompt intrinsic peak energy Ep,i, the X-ray afterglow initial luminosity L0 and the rest-frame duration τ of the shallow phase, and the index of the late power-law decay αX. We use it to measure Ωm and the evolution of the dark energy equation of state. We also propose a new calibration method for the same relation, which reduces the dependence on SNe Ia systematics. We have selected a sample of GRBs with 1) a measured redshift z; 2) a determined intrinsic prompt peak energy E_ p,i_; and 3) a good coverage of the observed (0.3-10)keV afterglow light curves. The fitting technique of the rest-frame (0.3-10)keV luminosity light curves represents the core of the Combo-relation. We separate the early steep decay, considered a part of the prompt emission, from the X-ray afterglow additional component. Data with the largest positive residual, identified as flares, are automatically eliminated until the p-value of the fit becomes greater than 0.3. We strongly minimize the dependency of the Combo-GRB calibration on SNe Ia. We also measure a small extra-Poissonian scatter of the Combo-relation, which allows us to infer from GRBs alone ΩM=0.29+0.23–0.15(1σ) for the ΛCDM cosmological model, and ΩM=0.40+0.22–0.16, w0=-1.43+0.78–0.66 for the flat-Universe variable equation of state case. In view of the increasing size of the GRB database, thanks to future missions, the Combo-relation is a promising tool for measuring Ωm with an accuracy comparable to that exhibited by SNe Ia, and to investigate the dark energy contribution and evolution up to z∼10.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): cosmological parameters - gamma-ray burst: general - dark energy

Simbad objects: 65

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