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2014ApJ...780....9W - Astrophys. J., 780, 9 (2014/January-1)

The megasecond Chandra X-ray visionary project observation of NGC 3115: witnessing the flow of hot gas within the bondi radius.


Abstract (from CDS):

Observational confirmation of hot accretion model predictions has been hindered by the challenge to resolve spatially the Bondi radii of black holes with X-ray telescopes. Here, we use the Megasecond Chandra X-ray Visionary Project observation of the NGC 3115 supermassive black hole to place the first direct observational constraints on the spatially and spectroscopically resolved structures of the X-ray emitting gas inside the Bondi radius of a black hole. We measured temperature and density profiles of the hot gas from a fraction out to tens of the Bondi radius (RB= 2.''4-4.''8 = 112-224 pc). The projected temperature jumps significantly from ∼0.3 keV beyond 5'' to ∼0.7 keV within ∼4''-5'', but then abruptly drops back to ∼0.3 keV within ∼3''. This is contrary to the expectation that the temperature should rise toward the center for a radiatively inefficient accretion flow. A hotter thermal component of ∼1 keV inside 3'' (∼150 pc) is revealed using a two-component thermal model, with the cooler ∼0.3 keV thermal component dominating the spectra. We argue that the softer emission comes from diffuse gas physically located within ∼150 pc of the black hole. The density profile is broadly consistent with ρ∝r.–1 within the Bondi radius for either the single temperature or the two-temperature model. The X-ray data alone with physical reasoning argue against the absence of a black hole, supporting that we are witnessing the onset of the gravitational influence of the supermassive black hole.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): accretion, accretion disks - black hole physics - galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD - galaxies: individual: NGC 3115 - galaxies: nuclei - X-rays: galaxies

Simbad objects: 8

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