SIMBAD references

2014A&A...569A..15O - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 569A, 15-15 (2014/9-1)

Asteroseismology revealing trapped modes in KIC 10553698A.


Abstract (from CDS):

The subdwarf-B pulsator, KIC10553698A, is one of 16 such objects observed with a one-minute sampling rate for most of the duration of the Kepler mission. Like most of these stars, it displays a rich g-mode pulsation spectrum with several clear multiplets that maintain regular frequency splitting. We identify these pulsation modes as components of rotationally split multiplets in a star rotating with a period of ∼41d. From 162 clearly significant periodicities, we are able to identify 156 as likely components of l=1 or l=2 multiplets. For the first time we are able to detect l=1 modes that interpose in the asymptotic period sequences and that provide a clear indication of mode trapping in a stratified envelope, as predicted by theoretical models. A clear signal is also present in the Kepler photometry at 3.387d. Spectroscopic observations reveal a radial-velocity amplitude of 64.8km/s. We find that the radial-velocity variations and the photometric signal have phase and amplitude that are perfectly consistent with a Doppler-beaming effect and conclude that the unseen companion, KIC10553698B, must be a white dwarf most likely with a mass close to 0.6M.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): subdwarfs - binaries: close - stars: oscillations - stars: individual: KIC 10553698

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/569/A15): rvs.dat peaks.dat>

Simbad objects: 13

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