SIMBAD references

2011MNRAS.415.1304D - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 415, 1304-1309 (2011/August-1)

Formation of multiple populations in globular clusters: constraints on the dilution by pristine gas.


Abstract (from CDS):

The star-to-star differences in the abundance of light elements observed in the globular clusters (GCs) can be explained assuming that a second generation (SG) of stars form in the gas ejected by the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars belonging to a first stellar generation. However, while Na and O appear to be anticorrelated in the cluster stars, from the stellar models they turn out to be correlated in the AGB ejecta. In order to reconcile the stellar theory with the observational findings, all the GC models invoke an early dilution of AGB ejecta with pristine gas occurring during the SG formation. Despite a vast consensus about the occurrence of such a dilution, the physical process behind it is still unknown. In the present paper we set some general constraints on the pristine gas dynamics and on the possible amount of pristine gas involved in the SG formation, making use of a one-zone chemical model. We find that such a dilution is a necessary ingredient in the SG star formation to explain the observed abundance patterns. We confirm the conclusion of our previous works showing that clusters must have been initially much more massive. We also show that models assuming that clusters had an initial mass similar to their current one, and adopting a large fraction of pristine gas to form SG stars, fail to reproduce the observed Na-O anticorrelation and are not viable. We finally show that the dilution event should be restricted in time, rather than extended for the full duration of SG formation.

Abstract Copyright: 2011 The Authors Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2011 RAS

Journal keyword(s): stars: chemically peculiar - globular clusters: general

Simbad objects: 2

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