SIMBAD references

2011MNRAS.411...23W - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 411, 23-36 (2011/February-2)

New star-forming galaxies at z≈ 7 from Wide Field Camera Three imaging.


Abstract (from CDS):

The addition of Wide Field Camera Three on the Hubble Space Telescope has led to a dramatic increase in our ability to study the z > 6 Universe. The improvement in the near-infrared (NIR) sensitivity of WFC3 over previous instruments has enabled us to reach apparent magnitudes approaching 29 (AB). This allows us to probe the rest-frame UV continuum, redshifted into the NIR at z > 6. Taking advantage of the large optical depths of the intergalactic medium at this redshift, resulting in the Lyman α break, we use a combination of WFC3 imaging and pre-existing Advanced Camera for Surveys imaging to search for z ≈ 7 galaxies over four fields in and around Great Observatories Origins Survey-South (GOODS-S). Our analysis reveals 29 new z ≈ 7 star-forming galaxy candidates in addition to 15 pre-existing candidates already discovered in these fields. The improved statistics from our doubling of the robust sample of z-drop candidates confirms the previously observed evolution of the bright end of the luminosity function.

Abstract Copyright: 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation2010 RAS

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: evolution - galaxies: formation - galaxies: high-redshift - galaxies: starburst - ultraviolet: galaxies

Nomenclature: Table 2, Figs 6-9: [WBL2011] HUDF z NNNN N=12 among (Nos 1889-7462), [WBL2011] PNN z NNNN N=15+7 among (Nos P34 z 703 to P34 z 6106, P12 z 1209 to P12 z 3841), [WBL2011] ERS z NNNNN N=11 among (Nos 20851-90192).

Simbad objects: 70

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