SIMBAD references

2009ApJ...704..513K - Astrophys. J., 704, 513-521 (2009/October-2)

The radial velocity tatooine search for circumbinary planets: planet detection limits for a sample of double-lined binary Stars–Initial results from Keck I/Hires, Shane/CAT/Hamspec, and TNG/Sarg observations.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present preliminary results of the first and on-going radial velocity survey for circumbinary planets. With a novel radial velocity technique employing an iodine absorption cell, we achieve an unprecedented radial velocity (RV) precision of up to 2 m/s for double-lined binary stars. The high-resolution spectra collected with the Keck I/Hires, TNG/Sarg, and Shane/CAT/Hamspec telescopes/spectrographs over the years 2003-2008 allow us to derive RVs and compute planet detection limits for 10 double-lined binary stars. For this initial sample of targets, we can rule out planets on dynamically stable orbits with masses as small as ∼0.3 to 3 MJup for the orbital periods of up to ∼5.3 years. Even though the presented sample of stars is too small to make any strong conclusions, it is clear that the search for circumbinary planets is now technique-wise possible and eventually will provide new constraints for the planet formation theories.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): binaries: spectroscopic - planetary systems - stars: individual (HD9939, HD13974, HD47415, HD78418, HD86146, HD195987, HD210027, HD214686, HD221950, HD282975) - techniques: radial velocities

Simbad objects: 21

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