SIMBAD references

2009AJ....138..813H - Astron. J., 138, 813-826 (2009/September-0)

Speckle interferometry at mount wilson observatory: observations obtained in 2006-2007 and 35 new orbits.


Abstract (from CDS):

Result. are presented for 607 speckle interferometric observations of double stars, as well as 222 measures of single stars or unresolved pairs. All data were obtained in 2006 and 2007 at the Mount Wilson Observatory, using the 2.5 m Hooker telescope. Separations range from 0".06 to 6".31, with a median of 0".34. These three observing runs concentrated on binaries in need of confirmation (mainly Hipparcos and Tycho pairs), as well as systems in need of improved orbital elements. New orbital solutions have been determined for 35 systems as a result.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): binaries: general - binaries: visual - techniques: interferometric

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/AJ/138/813): table1.dat table2.dat refs.dat>

Simbad objects: 995

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