SIMBAD references

2009A&A...500..827M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 500, 827-831 (2009/6-3)

A high-speed bipolar outflow from the archetypical pulsating star Mira A.


Abstract (from CDS):

Optical images and high-dispersion spectra have been obtained of the ejected material surrounding the pulsating AGB star Mira A. The two streams of knots on either side of the star, found in far-ultraviolet (FUV) GALEX images, have now been imaged clearly in the light of Hα. Spatially resolved profiles of the same line reveal that the bulk of these knots form a bipolar outflow with radial velocity extremes of ±150km/s with respect to the central star. The south stream is approaching and the north stream receding from the observer. A displacement away from Mira A between the position of one of the south-stream knots in the new Hα image and its position in the previous Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (POSS I) red plate was noted. If interpreted as a consequence of expansion proper motions, the bipolar outflow is tilted at 69°±15° to the plane of the sky, has an outflow velocity of 160±10km/s and is ≃1000yr old.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: circumstellar matter - stars: variables: general - stars: binaries: general - stars: individual: Mira

Simbad objects: 3

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