SIMBAD references

2008IAUC.8972....2N - IAU Circ., 8972, 2 (2008/September-0)

V1309 Scorpii = nova Scorpii 2008.


Abstract (from CDS):

H. Naito, Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory, reports that low-resolution spectra of V1309 Sco were taken on Sept. 3.49 and 4.47 UT by M. Fujii (Ibara, Okayama, Japan, 0.28-m reflector; range 400-800 nm, resolution R about 500) and on Sept. 5.47 by Naito with the 2.0-m NAYUTA telescope (+ MALLS; range 410-670 nm, R about 1200). The spectra show a smooth continuum with some absorption lines and strong Balmer emission lines, which indicate that this object is indeed a classical nova. The expansion velocities derived from the FWHM of H_alpha are somewhat slow (670 km/s on Sept. 3.49, 670 km/s on Sept. 4.47, and 470 km/s on Sept. 5.47). The spectrum also shows an interstellar Na D absorption line (EW = 0.6 nm). The ratios of H_alpha to H_beta are 10 on Sept. 4.47 and 6.7 on Sept. 5.47.

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