SIMBAD references

2008IAUC.8951....3P - IAU Circ., 8951, 3 (2008/June-0)

V2487 Ophiuchi.


Abstract (from CDS):

A. Pagnotta, B. E. Schaefer, and L. Xiao, Louisiana State University, report their discovery of a previously unknown eruption of the nova V2487 Oph (Nova Oph 1998) in the Harvard College Observatory archival photograph collection. Plate AM505 shows V2487 Oph at B = 10.3 on 1900 June 20. This is close to its peak magnitude in 1998, which was reported to be 9.5 in the more recent outburst. They identified V2487 Oph as a strong recurrent nova candidate because of its low outburst amplitude, very fast decline rate, high expansion velocity, and the presence of high-excitation lines in its outburst spectrum. V2487 Oph was also identified as a good candidate by Hachisu et al. (2002, ASP Conf. Proc. 261, 629), based on characteristics of its light curve. With this discovery, V2487 Oph becomes the tenth known galactic recurrent nova.

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