SIMBAD references

2008CoAst.152..131K - Com. in Asteroseismology, 152, 131 (2008/January-0)

Exploring solar-type pulsation with BRITE.


Abstract (from CDS):

It is evident that there is still no complete picture of how pulsation works in stars with convective envelopes. In the past few years the field of observing solar-type oscillations has moved from ambiguous detections to firm measurements. However, I will demonstrate that BRITE is not an appropriate instrument to observe solar-type pulsation in sun-like stars, but rather perfectly suited to detect solar-type oscillations in stars cooler and more luminous than the Sun. Asteroseismology of red giants is still in its infancy and the few currently available high-precision data may not be adequate to answer the open questions. Using clever observing strategies, BRITE can help to significantly improve our understanding of the interaction between pulsation and convection, but also of stellar evolution during the important red giant phase in general.

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