SIMBAD references

2008CBET.1465....2G - Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 1465, 2 (2008/August-0)

Supernovae 2008eo, 2008en, 2008ep, 2008eq, and 2008er.


Abstract (from CDS):

SN 2008eo (CBET 1459) is a normal type-Ia supernova, near maximum brightness. After removal of the host-galaxy recession velocity of 4930 km/s (Huchra et al. 1999, Ap.J. Suppl. 121, 287), the absorption minimum of the Si II 635.5-nm line is found to be blueshifted by 11900 km/s. SNID indicates that 2008eo is most similar to the normal type-Ia supernova 2002er at one day before maximum light.

Abstract Copyright:

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Simbad objects: 6

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