SIMBAD references

2008A&A...484L..39F - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 484, L39-42 (2008/6-4)

High-resolution double morphology of the most distant known radio quasar at z = 6.12.


Abstract (from CDS):

The highest redshift quasars at z> 6 receive considerable attention since they provide strong constraints on the growth of the earliest supermassive black holes. They also probe the epoch of reionisation and serve as ``lighthouses'' to illuminate the space between them and the observer. The source J1427+3312 (z=6.12) has recently been identified as the first and so far the only known radio-loud quasar at z>6. We investigated the compact radio structure of J1427+3312 on milli-arcsecond (mas) angular scales, to compare it with that of the second most distant radio-loud quasar J0836+0054 (z=5.77) and with lower-redshift radio quasars in general. We observed J1427+3312 in phase-reference mode with ten antennas of the European Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Network (EVN) at 1.6GHz on 11 March 2007 and at 5GHz on 3 March 2007. The source was clearly detected at both frequencies. At 1.6GHz, it shows a prominent double structure. The two components are separated by 28.3mas, corresponding to a projected linear distance of ∼160 pc. Both components with sub-mJy flux densities appear resolved. In the position of the brightest component at 1.6GHz, we detected mas-scale radio emission at 5 GHz as well. The radio spectrum of this feature is steep. The double structure and the separation of the components of J1427+3312 are similar to those of the young (≲104yr) compact symmetric objects (CSOs).

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): techniques: interferometric - radio continuum: galaxies - galaxies: active - quasars: individual: J1427+3312

Simbad objects: 5

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