SIMBAD references

2007A&A...462..777N - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 462, 777-780 (2007/2-1)

Direct detection of exoplanet host star companion γ Cep B and revised masses for both stars and the sub-stellar object.


Abstract (from CDS):

The star γ Cep is known as a single-lined spectroscopic triple system at a distance of 13.8 pc, composed of a K1 III-IV primary star with V = 3.2 mag, a stellar-mass companion in a 66-67 year orbit (Torres, 2007ApJ...654.1095T), and a substellar companion with Mpsini=1.7MJup that is most likely a planet (Hatzes et al., 2003ApJ...599.1383H). We aim to obtain a first direct detection of the stellar companion, to determine its current orbital position (for comparison with the spectroscopic and astrometric data), its infrared magnitude and, hence, mass. We use the Adaptive Optics camera CIAO at the Japanese 8m telescope Subaru on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, with the semi-transparent coronograph to block most of the light from the bright primary γ Cep A, and to detect at the same time the faint companion B. In addition, we also used the IR camera Ω Cass at the Calar Alto 3.5m telescope, Spain, to image γ Cep A and B by adding up many very short integrations (without AO). γ Cep B is clearly detected on our CIAO and Ω Cass images. We use a photometric standard star to determine the magnitude of B after PSF subtraction in the Subaru image, and the magnitude difference between A and B in the Calar Alto images, and find an average value of K=7.3±0.2mag. The separations and position angles between A and B are measured on 15 July 2006 and 11 and 12 Sept. 2006, B is slightly south of west of A. By combining the radial velocity, astrometric, and imaging data, we have refined the binary orbit and determined the dynamical masses of the two stars in the γ Cep system, namely 1.40±0.12M for the primary and 0.409±0.018M for the secondary (consistent with being a M4 dwarf). We also determine the minimum mass of the sub-stellar companion to be Mpsini=1.60±0.13MJup.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): instrumentation: adapive optics - binaries: spectroscopic - binaries: visual - planetary systems - star: individual: γ Cep

Simbad objects: 7

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