SIMBAD references

2006ApJ...651..535E - Astrophys. J., 651, 535-543 (2006/November-1)

On the possible properties of small and cold extrasolar planets: is OGLE 2005-BLG-390Lb entirely frozen?


Abstract (from CDS):

Extrasolar planets as light as a few Earth masses are now being detected. Such planets are likely not gas or ice giants. Here, we present a study on the possible properties of the small and cold extrasolar planets, applied to the case of the recently discovered planet OGLE 2005-BLG-390Lb. This planet (5.5+5.5–2.7M) orbits 2.6+1.5–0.6AU away from an old M-type star of the Galactic bulge. The planet should be entirely frozen given the low surface temperature (35-47 K). However, depending on the rock-to-ice mass ratio in the planet, the radiogenic heating could be sufficient to make the existence of liquid water within an icy crust possible. This possibility is estimated as a function of the planetary mass and the illumination received from the parent star, both being strongly related by the observational constraints. The results are presented for water-poor and water-rich planets. We find that no oceans can be present in any cases at 9-10 Gyr, a typical age for a star of the bulge. However, we find that in the past, when the planet was ≲5 Gyr old, liquid water was likely present below an icy surface. Nevertheless, the planet is now likely to be entirely frozen.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Stars: Planetary Systems - stars: individual (OGLE 2005-BLG-390L)

Simbad objects: 8

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