SIMBAD references

2006ApJ...647L..37L - Astrophys. J., 647, L37-L40 (2006/August-2)

They came from the deep in the supernova: the origin of TiC and metal subgrains in presolar graphite grains.


Abstract (from CDS):

A new formation scenario for TiC and Fe-Ni metal inclusions in presolar graphite grains of supernova origin is described. The mineralogy and chemistry require condensation of Fe-Ni titanides from Fe-, Ni-, and Ti-rich gaseous ejecta, subsequent carburization to make TiC and metal, and encapsulation into graphite. Titanides only condense if Si is depleted relative to heavier elements, which requires α-rich freeze-out and a deep mass cut for the supernova ejecta. This Si-poor core material must remain unmixed with other supernova zones until the titanides condense. This can be accomplished by transport of core ejecta in bipolar jets through the major expanding supernova zone ejecta. If the jets stall in regions dominated by C-rich ejecta such as the C-He zone, where graphite condenses, thermochemically favored in situ carburization of the titanides–either before or during encapsulation into condensing graphite–leads to a TiC-and-metal composite. This scenario agrees with theoretical models and observations of asymmetric core collapse in supernovae that are associated with bipolar jets loaded with iron-peak elements.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Astrochemistry - Nuclear Reactions, Nucleosynthesis, Abundances - Stars: Supernovae: General - ISM: Supernova Remnants

Simbad objects: 3

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