SIMBAD references

2006AJ....132.2383T - Astron. J., 132, 2383-2397 (2006/December-0)

Subarcsecond-resolution radio maps of nearby spiral galaxies.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report subarcsecond-resolution Very Large Array imaging of four nearby spiral galaxies: IC 342, Maffei II, NGC 2903, and NGC 6946. In each galaxy, compact radio continuum sources are identified in the central ∼15''x15'' region. These compact sources are responsible for 20%-30% of the total emission from the central kiloparsec of the host galaxies at 2 cm but only ∼5%-10% at 6 cm. More than half of the compact sources appear to be H II regions. The H II regions with rising spectra must be fairly dense (ni∼104/cm3) and are presumably very young. The largest of these H II regions require the excitation of 500-800 O stars within regions only a few parsecs in extent. These clusters approach the sizes expected for globular clusters. Thermal free-free emission from compact sources contributes more significantly at 2 cm, while diffuse synchrotron emission dominates at 6 cm. The radio H II regions are found near the centers of giant molecular clouds in projection and do not have obvious visual counterparts.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxies: Individual: Alphanumeric: IC 342 - galaxies: individual (Maffei II) - Galaxies: Individual: NGC Number: NGC 2903 - Galaxies: Individual: NGC Number: NGC 6946 - Galaxies: ISM - Galaxies: Spiral - Galaxies: Star Clusters - ISM: H II Regions - Radio Continuum: Galaxies

Nomenclature: Table 3: [TTB2006] IC 342 A (Nos A-L), [TTB2006] Maffei II A (Nos A-J), [TTB2006] NGC 2903 A (Nos A-G), [TTB2006] NGC 6946 A (Nos A-I).

Simbad objects: 60

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