SIMBAD references

2005MNRAS.363L..41P - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 363, L41-L45 (2005/October-2)

The extremely asymmetric radio structure of the z= 3.1 radio galaxy B3 J2330+3927.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report on 1.7- and 5.0-GHz observations of the z= 3.087 radio galaxy B3 J2330+3927, using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), and archival 1.4- and 8.4-GHz Very Large Array (VLA) data. Our VLBA data identify a compact, flat-spectrum (α5GHz1.7GHz=-0.2±0.1; Sν∝να) radio component as the core. The VLA images show that the fraction of core emission is very large (fc~ 0.5 at 8.4 GHz), and reveal a previously undetected, very faint counterjet, implying a radio lobe flux density ratio R≳ 11 and a radio lobe distance ratio Q~ 1.9. Those values are much more common in quasars than in radio galaxies, but the optical/near-infrared spectra show a clear type II active galactic nucleus for B3 J2330+3927, confirming that it is indeed a radio galaxy. Unlike all other radio galaxies, the bright Lyα-emitting gas is located towards the furthest radio arm. We argue against environmental and relativistic beaming effects being the cause of the observed asymmetry, and suggest this source has intrinsically asymmetric radio jets. If this is the case, B3 J2330 + 3927 is the first example of such a source at high redshift, and seems to be difficult to reconcile with the unified model, which explains the differences between quasars and radio galaxies as being due to orientation effects.

Abstract Copyright: 2005 RAS

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: high-redshift - galaxies: individual: B3 J2330+3927 - galaxies: jets

Nomenclature: Figs, Table 1: [PD2005] J2330+3927 A (Nos A-C, N), [PD2005] J2330+3927 AN (Nos N1-N2, B1-B2).

Simbad objects: 15

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