SIMBAD references

2004PASP..116..926H - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 116, 926-930 (2004/October-0)

Dwarf novae with newly determined parallaxes: model analyses of VY Aquarii, RU Pegasi, and T Leonis.


Abstract (from CDS):

Using newly determined parallaxes for dwarf novae, we have derived outburst accretion rates for VY Aqr, RU Peg, and T Leo, and for T Leo during quiescence. The two short-period dwarf novae, VY Aqr and T Leo, show good agreement with optically thick steady-state accretion disks in outburst, whereas RU Peg shows a significant departure from a steady-state disk. We have determined that the white dwarf in T Leo has Teff=16,000±1000 K, a value consistent with long-term compressional heating when gravitational-wave emission drives mass transfer. The white dwarf in T Leo has a temperature in the same narrow range as other WZ Sge-like dwarf novae.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: dwarf novae - Stars: Novae, Cataclysmic Variables - stars: individual (VY Aquarii) - Stars: Individual: Constellation Name: RU Pegasi - Stars: Individual: Constellation Name: T Leonis

Simbad objects: 9

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