SIMBAD references

2004MNRAS.355.1042C - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 355, 1042-1052 (2004/December-3)

Deuterium/hydrogen in a new Lyman limit absorption system at z= 3.256 towards PKS1937-1009.


Abstract (from CDS):

We have identified a new Lyman limit absorption system towards PKS1937-1009, with logN(Hi) = 18.25±0.02 at z= 3.256 that is suitable for measuring deuterium/hydrogen (D/H). We find a 68.3 per cent confidence range for D/H of 1.6+0.25–0.30x 10–5 and a 95.4 per cent range of 1.6+0.5–0.4x 10–5. The metallicity of the cloud where D/H was measured is low, [Si/H]=-2.0 ± 0.5. At these metallicities we expect that D/H will be close to the primordial value. Our D/H is lower than the D/H value predicted using the Ωb calculated from the cosmic background radiation measured by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, 2.60+0.19–0.17x 10–5. Our result also exacerbates the scatter in D/H values around the mean primordial D/H.

Abstract Copyright: 2004 RAS

Journal keyword(s): nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances - quasars: absorption lines - cosmological parameters

Nomenclature: Text: [CWO2004] QSO J1939-1002 abs N.NNN N=1.

CDS comments: PKS1937-1009 = PKS 1937-101 and PG 1718-4801 = PG 1718-481 in SIMBAD.

Simbad objects: 11

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