SIMBAD references

2002MNRAS.332...29W - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 332, 29-33 (2002/May-1)

On the nature of the magnetic DB white dwarfs.


Abstract (from CDS):

We use recent calculations of the Zeeman splitting of neutral helium lines and atmospheric models to investigate the properties of the magnetic DB white dwarfs in the field range 10-1000MG. We confirm that GD 229 exhibits spectroscopic signatures indicative of neutral helium in a magnetic field of ∼500MG, and argue that HE 1043-0502 may also be helium rich with an even higher field of ∼750MG. The dominant features in the phase-averaged spectrum of the polarized magnetic white dwarf HE 1211-1707 correspond with those of Zeeman split neutral helium lines in a mean field of ∼50MG, while the observed spectral variations point to a non-dipolar field structure.

Abstract Copyright: 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd

Journal keyword(s): magnetic fields - stars: individual: GD 229 - stars: individual: HE 1211-1707 - stars: individual: HE 1043-0502 - white dwarfs

Simbad objects: 3

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