SIMBAD references

2002ApJ...576...81O - Astrophys. J., 576, 81-88 (2002/September-1)

Black hole mass estimates of radio-selected quasars.


Abstract (from CDS):

The black hole (BH) masses in the centers of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) have been estimated for a sample of radio-selected, flat-spectrum quasars to investigate the relationship between BH mass and radio properties of quasars. We have used the virial assumption with measurements of the Hβ FWHM and luminosity to estimate the central BH mass. In contrast to previous studies, we find no correlation between BH mass and radio power in these AGNs. We find a range in BH mass similar to that seen in radio-quiet quasars from previous studies. We believe the reason that the low BH mass, radio-loud quasars have not been measured in previous studies is due to optical selection effects that tend to miss the less optically luminous radio-loud sources.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxies: Active - Galaxies: Nuclei - Galaxies: Quasars: General

Simbad objects: 39

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