SIMBAD references

2001ApJ...553..499O - Astrophys. J., 553, 499-512 (2001/June-1)

Reionization by hard photons. I. X-rays from the first star clusters.


Abstract (from CDS):

Observations of the Lyα forest at z∼3 reveal an average metallicity Z∼10–2 Z. The high-redshift supernovae that polluted the intergalactic medium also accelerated relativistic electrons. Since the energy density of the cosmic microwave background is proportional to (1+z)4, at high redshift these electrons cool via inverse Compton scattering. Thus, the first star clusters emit X-rays. Unlike stellar UV ionizing photons, these X-rays can escape easily from their host galaxies. This has a number of important physical consequences: The X-ray production efficiency is calibrated to local observations of starburst galaxies, which imply that ∼10% of the supernova energy is converted to X-rays. While direct detection of sources in X-ray emission is difficult, the presence of relativistic electrons at high redshift and thus a minimal level of X-ray emission may be inferred by synchrotron emission observations with the Square Kilometer Array. These sources may constitute a significant fraction of the unresolved hard X-ray background and can account for both the shape and amplitude of the gamma-ray background. This paper discusses the existence and observability of high-redshift X-ray sources, while a companion paper models the detailed reionization physics and chemistry.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Cosmology: Theory - Galaxies: Formation - Galaxies: Intergalactic Medium

Simbad objects: 6

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