SIMBAD references

2000PASP..112.1559G - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 112, 1559-1566 (2000/December-0)

The chemical compositions of the SRd variable stars. III. KK Aquilae, AG Aurigae, z Aurigae, w Leo minoris, and WW Tauri.


Abstract (from CDS):

Chemical compositions are derived from high-resolution spectra for five field SRd variables. These supergiants not previously analyzed are shown to be metal poor: KK Aql with [Fe/H]=-1.2, AG Aur with [Fe/H]=-1.8, Z Aur with [Fe/H]=-1.4, W LMi with [Fe/H]=-1.1, and WW Tau with [Fe/H]=-1.1. Their compositions are, except for two anomalies, identical to within the measurement errors to the compositions of subdwarfs, subgiants, and less evolved giants of the same [Fe/H]. One anomaly is an s-process enrichment for KK Aql, the first such enrichment reported for an SRd variable. The second and more remarkable anomaly is a strong lithium enrichment for W LMi, also a first for field SRd variables. The Li I λ6707 profile is not simply that of a photospheric line but includes strong absorption from redshifted gas, suggesting, perhaps, that lithium enrichment results from accretion of Li-rich gas. This potential clue to lithium enrichment is discussed in light of various proposals for lithium synthesis in evolved stars.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Stars: Abundances - Stars: Variables: Other - Stars: AGB and Post-AGB

Simbad objects: 12

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