SIMBAD references

2000ApJ...529..279S - Astrophys. J., 529, 279-292 (2000/January-3)

[Ne v] imaging of the Cygnus Loop.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present continuum-subtracted images of a 20'x20' region of the eastern Cygnus Loop (NGC 6995) in the 3425 Å forbidden line of Ne V. The images reveal bright linear filaments which are associated with, but not positionally coincident with, bright features seen in Hα, [O III], and other narrowband images. In some areas, the [Ne V] filaments define the edge of X-ray-emitting regions. The filaments exhibit a peak surface brightness of 1.2x10–4–2.s–1.arcsec–2 at the top of the atmosphere in images with typical detection limits of ∼10–5–2.s–1.arcsec–2. We present arguments that these structures are produced by radiative shock waves and discuss implications for the shock velocities and the three-dimensional structure of this section of the Cygnus Loop. We place limits on the importance of thermal conduction-driven evaporation as a contribution to the mass of X-ray-emitting gas. Lack of evidence of [Ne V] emission resulting from thermal evaporation may have significance for supernova remnants and interstellar medium models that rely heavily on the importance of thermal evaporation.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: Individual: Name: Cygnus Loop - ISM: Structure - Shock Waves - Ultraviolet: ISM - X-Rays: ISM

CDS comments: T.1 and figs: regions 'NA' not in SIMBAD.

Simbad objects: 5

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