SIMBAD references

2000A&A...354L...1A - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 354, L1-5 (2000/2-1)

CO detection of the extremely red galaxy HR 10.


Abstract (from CDS):

CO J=5-4 and J=2-1 emission lines were detected towards the extremely red galaxy (ERG) HR 10 (J164502+4626.4) at z=1.44. The CO intensities imply a molecular gas mass M(H2) of 1.6x1011h–250M, and, combined with the intensity of the dust continuum, a gas-to-dust mass ratio around 200-400 (assuming galactic values for the conversion factors). The peak of the CO lines are at the same redshift as the [OII]3727 line, but blue-shifted by 430km/s from the Hα line. These CO detections confirm the previous results that HR 10 is a highly obscured object with a large thermal far-infrared luminosity and a high star-formation rate. The overall properties of HR 10 (CO detection, LFIR to L'CO ratio, and FIR to radio flux ratio) clearly favour the hypothesis that its extreme characteristics are related to star-formation processes rather than to a hidden AGN.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: formation - galaxies: ISM - galaxies: starburst

Simbad objects: 19

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