SIMBAD references

1999A&AS..139...69S - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 139, 69-74 (1999/October-1)

UBV absolute CCD photometry and differential astrometry of a sample of visual double stars with A-type primaries.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present V magnitudes, (B-V) and (U-B) colours of the components of 111 visual double stars and their relative position measurements ρ and θ. The primaries are of spectral class A; the angular separation is in the 2.5"-8" range. The observations were made at the 61-cm reflector of University of Toronto Southern Observatory, Chile. The obtained photometric results are of a moderate quality for absolute values (0.04mag in V and about 0.02mag in the (B-V) and (U-B) colour indices) and more precise in ΔV and Δ(U-B), Δ(B-V) (0.023mag and 0.015mag, respectively). We find that about 60% of secondaries are also of spectral type A; 56% of pairs have Δ(B-V) less than 0.1mag. The two-colour diagram reveals significant offset of objects from the curve of unreddened Main Sequence stars. A comprehensive survey of stars in the close vicinity to the objects is also presented. The final astrometric accuracy of ≃0.01" in ρ and 0.1deg in θ provides additional measurements for study of relative motion of the components.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: binaries: visual - techniques: photometric - astrometry

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+AS/139/69): table1.dat table2.dat table3.dat>

Simbad objects: 171

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