SIMBAD references

1998AJ....115.1516R - Astron. J., 115, 1516-1523 (1998/April-0)

BV photometry for the ∼2.5 gyr open cluster NGC 6819: more evidence for convective core overshooting on the main sequence.


Abstract (from CDS):

New BV photometry is presented for the populous, intermediate-age open cluster NGC 6819. From ∼4 mag below the turnoff to ∼2 mag above the red giant clump, the cluster's color-magnitude diagram is well defined. Of particular note is the fact that the bright end of the main-sequence distribution exhibits a pronounced curvature to the red. This morphology can be matched by theoretical stellar models only if a significant amount of convective core overshooting is assumed. Indeed, canonical, nonovershooting calculations fail by a wide margin to explain the observations. Comparisons with up-to-date evolutionary tracks, isochrones, and zero-age horizontal-branch loci for [Fe/H] = 0.0 and -0.10 indicate that the [Fe/H] ~ -0.05 cluster has (m - M)V = 12.35, E(B - V) = 0.16, and an age near 2.4 Gyr. The existence of several clump stars that appear to be appreciably more massive than the turnoff stars is noted: we suggest that they are the descendants of blue stragglers, given that NGC 6819 has a confirmed blue straggler population.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxy: Open Clusters and Associations: Individual: NGC Number: NGC 6819 - Stars: Evolution

Simbad objects: 14

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