SIMBAD references

1997PASP..109..345D - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 109, 345-440 (1997/April-0)

A catalog and atlas of cataclysmic variables-second edition.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present a catalog of all 1020 known cataclysmic variables (CVs). This paper is a major update of the first edition of the catalog (Downes and Shara 1993, PASP, 105, 127), which contained coordinates (measured in the reference frame of the Hubble Space Telescope Guide Star Survey for the non-novae, and obtained from the literature for the novae), the variability type, the magnitude range, and references to both finding charts and spectroscopy. Also included in the catalog were finding charts for all dwarf novae, novalike variables, and objects classified only as cataclysmic variables known as of 1993; a similar catalog and atlas for novae has been published by Duerbeck (1978a). This updated edition includes 195 new objects (172 CVs and 23 non-CVs), revised identifications for 57 objects, and revised information (classification and spectral references) when available. We also now include plate identification information for the coordinate measurements, a reference to the classification, proper motion information where appropriate, and a table showing the CVs observed by space-based observatories. This second edition is inclusive of the first edition, although only new or updated charts are presented.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Special Issue on Cataclysmic Variable Stars

VizieR on-line data: <CDS Catalogue: V/94>

Nomenclature: Table 1: [DWS97] CCC N N=143.

CDS comments: Table 1: format 'CCC' not in SIMBAD, objects can be found via, in SIMBAD cross-id. in other columns are used. In ref list: Margon 1985PASP.97.962 instead of 912, SANFORD 1945PASP...57..312S instead of PASP.57.321, SHAFTER 1990ApJ...354..708 S instead of ApJ Lett, WEBBINK 1987ApJ...314..653W instead of ApJS.314

Simbad objects: 1017

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