SIMBAD references

1997A&A...318L..67C - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 318, L67-70 (1997/2-3)

SBS 1520+530: a new gravitationally lensed system at z=1.855.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report the discovery of a new gravitationally lensed BAL QSO SBS 1520+530 (α(2000)=15h21m44.83s, δ(2000)=52deg54'48.6") at zem=1.855 from the Second Byurakan Survey using observations with the 6m and 1m telescopes of SAO RAS. Two components with apparent V magnitudes 18.2mag and 18.7mag are resolved with a distance separation 1.6". The spectra, taken with the long-slit spectrograph, exhibit strong SiIV/OIV], CIV and CIII] emission lines with the redshifts 1.855±0.002 and 1.854±0.002, respectively, and two systems of metal-line absorption at zabs=0.7155±0.0009 and 0.8147±0.0009. The blue wing of CIV lines displays BAL futures. SBS 1520+530, the second gravitationally lensed BAL QSO, offers good opportunity for ground-based and space studies of numerous phenomena connected with physics of lensing because of its appearent magnitude and appropriate separation between companions.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): gravitational lensing - quasars: emission-lines - quasars: absoprtion-lines - quasars: individual: SBS 1520+530(SBSG 1520+530)

Nomenclature: Fig.1: [CVS97] A (Nos A-B). Table 1: [CVS97] WW (Nos NW, SE).

CDS comments: SBS 1520+530 = SBSG 1520+530 in SIMBAD

Simbad objects: 8

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