SIMBAD references

1996A&A...307..209W - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 307, 209-214 (1996/3-1)

The J2-J1 E methanol transitions for J≥12 in Orion KL.


Abstract (from CDS):

The first astronomical measurements of the Jk=122-121, 142-141, 152-151, 162-161, and 172-171 transitions of E type methanol are presented. Corrections to the line rest frequencies are significant. A map of the averaged J=15 to 17 lines shows that the emission arises from a region of 35"(δ) by ∼20"(α) FWHP size, centered ∼7" south, <2" west of the Hot Core. This is the Methanol Emission Center; the most intense CH3OH masers are 15" to the NW. The J≥12 profiles are adequately fitted with two gaussian velocity components with FWHP {DELTA}v1/2≃0.8km/s and ≃3km/s. For the wider component, our data give a rotational temperature of ∼100K. Excitation calculations indicate that the J2-J1 populations are inverted; the narrow velocity component in the J=15 to 17 transitions may be a low gain maser.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): masers - molecular data - ISM: individual: Orion KL (BNKL 1), molecules - radio lines: ISM

Simbad objects: 3

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