SIMBAD references

1994PASP..106..600T - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 106, 600-610 (1994/June-0)

Analyses of archival data for cool dwarfs. IV. [Fe/H] and related properties for the Hyades and Coma.


Abstract (from CDS):

For Hyades and Coma dwarfs, [Fe/H] is found to be 0.107 ± 0.020 dex, respectively. At the 0.047-dex level, there is no sign of an [Fe/H] offset across the Hyades Li chasm. At the 0.064-dex level, there is no sign of a difference between [Fe/H] for the Hyades dwarfs and giants. At low resolution, the D strong-feature index of Taylor and Johnson (1987) is anomalously weak in the Hyades relative to field stars at 98% confidence or better. This result is from an analysis which excludes log g effects and allows for the effects of binaries. A similar analysis for B-V reveals no definite evidence of an anomaly in this index. In addition, if the Coma dwarfs are compared to their Hyades counterparts and the Coma-Hyades metallicty difference is allowed for, no B-V anomaly emerges.

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