WASP-19b , the SIMBAD biblio

WASP-19b , the SIMBAD biblio (379 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:19:31

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2010ApJ...708..224H 601 T   A     X C F     13 12 151
WASP-19b: the shortest period transiting exoplanet yet discovered.
2010ApJ...715..458T viz 41           X         1 5 37 HAT-P-14b: a 2.2 MJ exoplanet transiting a bright F star. TORRES G., BAKOS G.A., HARTMAN J., et al.
2010MNRAS.404L.114G 118 T         X         2 5 43 Ground-based detection of thermal emission from the exoplanet
2010A&A...513L...3A viz 330 T K A     X         8 7 35 H-band thermal emission from the 19-h period planet
2010ApJ...716.1336K viz 15       D               1 245 20 Stability analysis of single-planet systems and their habitable zones. KOPPARAPU R.K. and BARNES R.
2010ApJ...717L.138H 15       D               1 44 40 A correlation between stellar activity and the surface gravity of hot jupiters. HARTMAN J.D.
2010MNRAS.405.2037W 53       D     X         2 62 21 Orbital period variations of hot jupiters caused by the Applegate effect. WATSON C.A. and MARSH T.R.
2010ApJ...720..337S 40           X         1 7 28 WASP-24 b: a new transiting close-in hot Jupiter orbiting a late f-star. STREET R.A., SIMPSON E., BARROS S.C.C., et al.
2010ApJ...720.1569K 39           X         1 67 238 A correlation between stellar activity and hot Jupiter emission spectra. KNUTSON H.A., HOWARD A.W. and ISAACSON H.
2010MNRAS.406.1918D 15       D               1 404 29 The Hill stability of the possible moons of extrasolar planets. DONNISON J.R.
2010MNRAS.407..910J 80           X         2 7 59 The roles of tidal evolution and evaporative mass loss in the origin of CoRoT-7 b. JACKSON B., MILLER N., BARNES R., et al.
2010MNRAS.407.1259J 92       D     X         3 91 27 Habitability of exoplanetary systems with planets observed in transit. JONES B.W. and SLEEP P.N.
2010ApJ...723..285H 16       D               1 37 129 Calibration of equilibrium tide theory for extrasolar planet systems. HANSEN B.M.S.
2010ApJ...723..684B viz 39           X         1 64 162 The NIRSPEC ultracool dwarf radial velocity survey. BLAKE C.H., CHARBONNEAU D. and WHITE R.J.
2010A&A...521A..76W 92       D     X         3 89 27 Limits on the orbits and masses of moons around currently-known transiting exoplanets. WEIDNER C. and HORNE K.
2011AJ....141....8S 39           X         1 7 24 WASP-37b: a 1.8 MJ exoplanet transiting a metal-poor star. SIMPSON E.K., FAEDI F., BARROS S.C.C., et al.
2010ApJ...725.1995M 15       D               1 129 145 Tidal evolution of close-in planets. MATSUMURA S., PEALE S.J. and RASIO F.A.
2011ApJ...726..112T 15       D               1 75 26 Using stellar densities to evaluate transiting exoplanetary candidates. TINGLEY B., BONOMO A.S. and DEEG H.J.
2011AJ....141...30C 43           X         1 8 86 Near-infrared thermal emission from WASP-12b: detections of the secondary eclipse in ks, H, and J. CROLL B., LAFRENIERE D., ALBERT L., et al.
2011AJ....141...59B 422     A D     X C       11 80 30 The reflection effect in interacting binaries or in planet-star systems. BUDAJ J.
2011ApJ...727L..44S 79               F     2 27 115 A short-period censor of Sub-Jupiter mass exoplanets with low density. SZABO GY.M. and KISS L.L.
2011ApJ...729...54C 18       D               1 33 254 The statistics of albedo and heat recirculation on hot exoplanets. COWAN N.B. and AGOL E.
2011MNRAS.411L..46V viz 155     A D     X         5 21 54 Prospects for detection of exoplanet magnetic fields through bow-shock observations during transits. VIDOTTO A.A., JARDINE M. and HELLING C.
2011MNRAS.411..453I 40           X         1 5 20 Long-term classical and general relativistic effects on the radial velocities of the stars orbiting Sgr A*. IORIO L.
2011ApJ...730L..31H 1068 T   A     X         27 4 69 On the orbit of the short-period exoplanet
2011ApJ...731...67P 157           X         4 5 37 Tidal evolution of close-in extrasolar planets: high stellar q from new theoretical models. PENEV K. and SASSELOV D.
2011A&A...528A..41L 40           X         1 6 33 Distorted, nonspherical transiting planets: impact on the transit depth and on the radius determination. LECONTE J., LAI D. and CHABRIER G.
2011ApJ...732...74G 291       D     X C       7 9 137 Consequences of the ejection and disruption of giant planets. GUILLOCHON J., RAMIREZ-RUIZ E. and LIN D.
2011A&A...529A.136E 15       D               1 106 105 Mass-loss rates for transiting exoplanets. EHRENREICH D. and DESERT J.-M.
2011MNRAS.414.1278P viz 54       D     X         2 79 47 Determining eccentricities of transiting planets: a divide in the mass–period plane. PONT F., HUSNOO N., MAZEH T., et al.
2011MNRAS.415..605B 884           X C       22 17 44 Are falling planets spinning up their host stars? BROWN D.J.A., COLLIER CAMERON A., HALL C., et al.
2011AJ....142..115D 284       D     X C       7 13 21 TERMS photometry of known transiting exoplanets. DRAGOMIR D., KANE S.R., PILYAVSKY G., et al.
2011MNRAS.416.2096S 41           X         1 6 37 Thermal emission from WASP-33b, the hottest known planet. SMITH A.M.S., ANDERSON D.R., SKILLEN I., et al.
2011ApJ...742...72N 39           X         1 22 84 Orbital distributions of close-in planets and distant planets formed by scattering and dynamical tides. NAGASAWA M. and IDA S.
2011A&A...535L...7H 120           X         3 12 133 WASP-43b: the closest-orbiting hot Jupiter. HELLIER C., ANDERSON D.R., COLLIER CAMERON A., et al.
2012A&A...537A.115B 77           X         2 7 11 Day and night side core cooling of a strongly irradiated giant planet. BUDAJ J., HUBENY I. and BURROWS A.
2012ApJ...750..100C 15       D               3 15 3 Modeling multi-wavelength stellar astrometry. III. Determination of the absolute masses of exoplanets and their host stars. COUGHLIN J.L. and LOPEZ-MORALES M.
2012A&A...540A..82K viz 15       D               1 216 23 Evidence for enhanced chromospheric Ca II H and K emission in stars with close-in extrasolar planets. KREJCOVA T. and BUDAJ J.
2012A&A...540A..99E 209       D     X         6 123 55 Factors affecting the radii of close-in transiting exoplanets. ENOCH B., COLLIER CAMERON A. and HORNE K.
2012ApJ...751...96P 15       D               1 53 60 Constraining tidal dissipation in stars from the destruction rates of exoplanets. PENEV K., JACKSON B., SPADA F., et al.
2012MNRAS.422.1761A 15       D               1 17 12 The radial velocity signature of tides raised in stars hosting exoplanets. ARRAS P., BURKART J., QUATAERT E., et al.
2012MNRAS.422.2024J viz 78           X         2 63 151 The coronal X-ray-age relation and its implications for the evaporation of exoplanets. JACKSON A.P., DAVIS T.A. and WHEATLEY P.J.
2012MNRAS.422.3151H 54       D     X         2 125 58 Observational constraints on tidal effects using orbital eccentricities. HUSNOO N., PONT F., MAZEH T., et al.
2012MNRAS.423..486L 54           X         1 4 127 Tidal dissipation in planet-hosting stars: damping of spin–orbit misalignment and survival of hot jupiters. LAI D.
2012AJ....144...19B viz 40           X         1 23 70 HAT-P-34b-HAT-P-37b: four transiting planets more massive than Jupiter orbiting moderately bright stars. BAKOS G.A., HARTMAN J.D., TORRES G., et al.
2012A&A...542A...4G viz 135           X         3 4 152 The TRAPPIST survey of southern transiting planets. I. Thirty eclipses of the ultra-short period planet WASP-43b. GILLON M., TRIAUD A.H.M.J., FORTNEY J.J., et al.
2012ApJS..201...36B 683 T   A     X C       16 4 18 z'-Band ground-based detection of the secondary eclipse of
2012ApJ...757....6H 209       D     X         6 76 32 Calibration of equilibrium tide theory for extrasolar planet systems. II. HANSEN B.M.S.
2012ApJ...757...18A viz 17       D               1 84 472 Obliquities of hot Jupiter host stars: evidence for tidal interactions and primordial misalignments. ALBRECHT S., WINN J.N., JOHNSON J.A., et al.
2012ApJ...758...36M 919   K A S   X C       22 24 300 C/O ratio as a dimension for characterizing exoplanetary atmospheres. MADHUSUDHAN N.
2012ApJ...760L..13K 156           X         4 3 11 The spin effect on planetary radial velocimetry of exoplanets. KAWAHARA H.
2012ApJ...761..123S viz 43           X         1 23 217 KELT-1b: a strongly irradiated, highly inflated, short period, 27 jupiter-mass companion transiting a mid-F star. SIVERD R.J., BEATTY T.G., PEPPER J., et al.
2012MNRAS.426..739H viz 79           X         2 26 125 Seven transiting hot Jupiters from WASP-South, Euler and TRAPPIST: WASP-47b, WASP-55b, WASP-61b, WASP-62b, WASP-63b, WASP-66b and WASP-67b. HELLIER C., ANDERSON D.R., COLLIER CAMERON A., et al.
2011PASP..123..412W viz 15       D               1 2897 398 The Exoplanet Orbit Database. WRIGHT J.T., KAKHOURI O., MARCY G.W., et al.
2012A&A...548A..44C 39           X         1 137 22 A study of the performance of the transit detection tool DST in space-based surveys. Application of the CoRoT pipeline to Kepler data. CABRERA J., CSIZMADIA Sz., ERIKSON A., et al.
2013ApJ...763...25M 45           X         1 16 195 Chemical consequences of the C/O ratio on hot jupiters: examples from WASP-12b, CoRoT-2b, XO-1b, and HD 189733b. MOSES J.I., MADHUSUDHAN N., VISSCHER C., et al.
2013ApJ...764...18L viz 16       D               1 174 6 Pulsation frequencies and modes of giant exoplanets. LE BIHAN B. and BURROWS A.
2013MNRAS.428.3671T viz 46           X         1 6 95 Transits and starspots in the WASP-19 planetary system. TREGLOAN-REED J., SOUTHWORTH J. and TAPPERT C.
2013MNRAS.430.3422A 1233 T K A     X C       30 11 32 Thermal emission at 3.6-8 µm from
WASP-19b: a hot Jupiter without a stratosphere orbiting an active star.
2013ApJ...767...64R viz 39           X         1 7 7 Benchmark tests for Markov chain Monte Carlo fitting of exoplanet eclipse observations. ROGERS J., LOPEZ-MORALES M., APAI D., et al.
2013A&A...552A...2L viz 924 T   A     X C       22 3 27 A photometric study of the hot exoplanet
2013A&A...552A.119S viz 16       D               1 1487 118 Magnetic energy fluxes in sub-Alfvenic planet star and moon planet interactions. SAUR J., GRAMBUSCH T., DULING S., et al.
2013A&A...553A..49A viz 569 T   A     X C       13 10 17 The secondary eclipses of
WASP-19b as seen by the ASTEP 400 telescope from Antarctica.
2013ApJ...771..108B 922 T K A     X C       22 7 38 Ground-based transit spectroscopy of the Hot-Jupiter
WASP-19b in the near-infrared.
2013ApJ...774...54S 45           X         1 10 122 Transits and occultations of an earth-sized planet in an 8.5 hr orbit. SANCHIS-OJEDA R., RAPPAPORT S., WINN J.N., et al.
2013ApJ...774..118Z 1271 T K A     X C       31 10 12 Examining the broadband emission spectrum of
WASP-19b: a new z-band eclipse detection.
2013ApJ...775...54S 81             C       1 14 105 Kepler-63b: a giant planet in a polar orbit around a young sun-like star. SANCHIS-OJEDA R., WINN J.N., MARCY G.W., et al.
2013MNRAS.434.3252H 1606 T K A D S   X C F     38 10 149 An HST optical-to-near-IR transmission spectrum of the hot Jupiter
WASP-19b: detection of atmospheric water and likely absence of TiO.
HUITSON C.M., SING D.K., PONT F., et al.
2013MNRAS.435.2268F 40           X         1 4 13 ULTRACAM z'-band detection of the secondary eclipse of WASP-12b. FOHRING D., DHILLON V.S., MADHUSUDHAN N., et al.
2013MNRAS.435.3481W 46           X         1 6 91 HST hot Jupiter transmission spectral survey: detection of water in HAT-P-1b from WFC3 near-IR spatial scan observations. WAKEFORD H.R., SING D.K., DEMING D., et al.
2013MNRAS.436....2M viz 1211     A D     X C F     30 15 73 Physical properties, transmission and emission spectra of the WASP-19 planetary system from multi-colour photometry. MANCINI L., CICERI S., CHEN G., et al.
2013ApJ...778..184J 40           X         1 19 72 A ground-based optical transmission spectrum of WASP-6b. JORDAN A., ESPINOZA N., RABUS M., et al.
2013ApJ...779....3L 40           X         1 8 29 A systematic retrieval analysis of secondary eclipse spectra. III. Diagnosing chemical disequilibrium in planetary atmospheres. LINE M.R. and YUNG Y.L.
2013MNRAS.436.2956S 204           X         5 8 148 HST hot-Jupiter transmission spectral survey: evidence for aerosols and lack of TiO in the atmosphere of WASP-12b. SING D.K., LECAVELIER DES ETANGS A., FORTNEY J.J., et al.
2013ApJ...779..128M 904 T   A D     X C       22 8 112 Exoplanet transit spectroscopy using WFC3: WASP-12 b, WASP-17 b, and
WASP-19 b.
2014MNRAS.437...46N 85           X         2 10 130 Hubble Space Telescope hot Jupiter transmission spectral survey: a detection of Na and strong optical absorption in HAT-P-1b. NIKOLOV N., SING D.K., PONT F., et al.
2014ApJ...781..109O 41           X         1 5 22 Warm Spitzer and Palomar Near-IR secondary eclipse photometry of two hot jupiters: WASP-48b and HAT-P-23b. O'ROURKE J.G., KNUTSON H.A., ZHAO M., et al.
2014A&A...561A..60A 39           X         1 4 3 Influence of the C/O ratio on titanium and vanadium oxides in protoplanetary disks. ALI-DIB M., MOUSIS O., PEKMEZCI G.S., et al.
2014ApJ...783....5S 354           X         9 15 13 A 0.8-2.4 µm transmission spectrum of the hot Jupiter CoRoT-1b. SCHLAWIN E., ZHAO M., TESKE J.K., et al.
2014ApJ...783...70L 596   K A D S   X C       14 12 160 A systematic retrieval analysis of secondary eclipse spectra. II. A uniform analysis of nine planets and their C to O ratios. LINE M.R., KNUTSON H., WOLF A.S., et al.
2014A&A...562L...3G viz 357           X C       8 11 79 WASP-103b: a new planet at the edge of tidal disruption. GILLON M., ANDERSON D.R., COLLIER-CAMERON A., et al.
2014ApJ...784..133S 40           X         1 11 28 On the detection of molecules in the atmosphere of HD 189733b using HST NICMOS transmission spectroscopy. SWAIN M.R., LINE M.R. and DEROO P.
2014PASP..126..227F 40           X         1 2 5 Transit search from Antarctica and Chile - Comparison and combination. FRUTH T., CABRERA J., CSIZMADIA S., et al.
2014A&A...563A..40C viz 41         O X         1 7 35 Broad-band transmission spectrum and K-band thermal emission of WASP-43b as observed from the ground. CHEN G., VAN BOEKEL R., WANG H., et al.
2014A&A...563A..41M viz 40           X         1 12 36 The GTC exoplanet transit spectroscopy survey. I. OSIRIS transmission spectroscopy of the short period planet WASP-43b. MURGAS F., PALLE E., ZAPATERO OSORIO M.R., et al.
2014ApJ...785..126K viz 17       D               2 120 242 Friends of hot Jupiters. I. A radial velocity search for massive, long-period companions to close-in gas giant planets. KNUTSON H.A., FULTON B.J., MONTET B.T., et al.
2014ApJ...785..148R 40           X         1 18 36 Atmospheric characterization of five hot jupiters with the wide field camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope. RANJAN S., CHARBONNEAU D., DESERT J.-M., et al.
2014ApJ...786..102V 16       D               1 110 47 Tidal dissipation and obliquity evolution in hot Jupiter systems. VALSECCHI F. and RASIO F.A.
2014ApJ...787..131Z 39           X         1 13 21 Stars get dizzy after lunch. ZHANG M. and PENEV K.
2014AJ....147..161S 52           X         1 5 139 Transmission spectroscopy of the hot Jupiter WASP-12b from 0.7 to 5 µm. STEVENSON K.B., BEAN J.L., SEIFAHRT A., et al.
2014MNRAS.440.1470B viz 315           X   F     7 25 36 WTS-2 b: a hot Jupiter orbiting near its tidal destruction radius around a K dwarf. BIRKBY J.L., CAPPETTA M., CRUZ P., et al.
2014MNRAS.440.3392B 16       D               1 23 9 A window on exoplanet dynamical histories: Rossiter-McLaughlin observations of WASP-13b and WASP-32b. BROTHWELL R.D., WATSON C.A., HEBRARD G., et al.
2014ApJ...789..113B 574     A     X C       14 51 3 Tidally distorted exoplanets: density corrections for short-period hot-jupiters based solely on observable parameters. BURTON J.R., WATSON C.A., FITZSIMMONS A., et al.
2014ApJ...791...55M viz 86           X         2 15 229 Water vapor in the spectrum of the extrasolar planet HD 189733b. I. The transit. McCULLOUGH P.R., CROUZET N., DEMING D., et al.
2014PASP..126..827H 8 13 226 Exoplanet Orbit Database. II. Updates to Exoplanets.org HAN E., WANG S.X., WRIGHT J.T., et al.
2014MNRAS.442.1844B 79           X         2 81 26 Discrepancies between isochrone fitting and gyrochronology for exoplanet host stars? BROWN D.J.A.
2014A&A...570L...5C 16       D               1 21 4 Transit light curve and inner structure of close-in planets. CORREIA A.C.M.
2014ApJ...796...48Z viz 16       D               1 199 11 The ground-based H-, K-, and L-band absolute emission spectra of HD 209458b. ZELLEM R.T., GRIFFITH C.A., DEROO P., et al.
2014MNRAS.444..711T viz 173       D     X         5 100 11 Colour-magnitude diagrams of transiting Exoplanets - II. A larger sample from photometric distances. TRIAUD A.H.M.J., LANOTTE A.A., SMALLEY B., et al.
2014MNRAS.444.3632H 16       D               1 45 51 Features in the broad-band eclipse spectra of exoplanets: signal or noise? HANSEN C.J., SCHWARTZ J.C. and COWAN N.B.
2014MNRAS.445.2746Z 1732 T K A D S   X C F     41 8 23 Ks-band secondary eclipses of
WASP-19b and WASP-43b with the Anglo-Australian Telescope.
2014MNRAS.445.4395Y viz 16       D               1 192 1 On the structure and evolution of planets and their host stars - effects of various heating mechanisms on the size of giant gas planets. YILDIZ M., CELIK ORHAN Z., KAYHAN C., et al.
2013A&ARv..21...63T 16       D               1 105 89 Spectroscopy of planetary atmospheres in our Galaxy. TINETTI G., ENCRENAZ T. and COUSTENIS A.
2014A&A...572A..51F 16       D               1 111 15 Revisiting the correlation between stellar activity and planetary surface gravity. FIGUEIRA P., OSHAGH M., ADIBEKYAN V.Z., et al.
2014ARA&A..52..171O 49           X         1 13 284 Tidal dissipation in stars and giant planets. OGILVIE G.I.
2015A&A...573A.122W 51           X         1 6 134 Transmission spectral properties of clouds for hot Jupiter exoplanets. WAKEFORD H.R. and SING D.K.
2015MNRAS.446.1071B 119           X         3 7 11 Defocused transmission spectroscopy: a potential detection of sodium in the atmosphere of WASP-12b. BURTON J.R., WATSON C.A., RODRIGUEZ-GIL P., et al.
2015MNRAS.446.2428S viz 126           X         3 10 157 HST hot-Jupiter transmission spectral survey: detection of potassium in WASP-31b along with a cloud deck and Rayleigh scattering. SING D.K., WAKEFORD H.R., SHOWMAN A.P., et al.
2015MNRAS.447..463N 45           X         1 10 110 HST hot-Jupiter transmission spectral survey: haze in the atmosphere of WASP-6b. NIKOLOV N., SING D.K., BURROWS A.S., et al.
2015MNRAS.447..711S viz 81           X         2 10 42 High-precision photometry by telescope defocusing - VII. The ultrashort period planet WASP-103. SOUTHWORTH J., MANCINI L., CICERI S., et al.
2015ApJ...802...28C 41           X         1 16 33 Near-infrared thermal emission detections of a number of hot jupiters and the systematics of ground-based near-infrared photometry. CROLL B., ALBERT L., JAYAWARDHANA R., et al.
2015A&A...576L..11S 703 T   A     X C       16 3 26 Regaining the FORS: optical ground-based transmission spectroscopy of the exoplanet
WASP-19b with VLT+FORS2.
2015A&A...577A..54C viz 40           X         1 9 12 Physical properties of the HAT-P-23 and WASP-48 planetary systems from multi-colour photometry. CICERI S., MANCINI L., SOUTHWORTH J., et al.
2015ApJ...806..146H 52           X         1 6 147 Spectroscopic evidence for a temperature inversion in the dayside atmosphere of hot Jupiter WASP-33b. HAYNES K., MANDELL A.M., MADHUSUDHAN N., et al.
2015MNRAS.449.4192S 175       D     X         5 52 55 Balancing the energy budget of short-period giant planets: evidence for reflective clouds and optical absorbers. SCHWARTZ J.C. and COWAN N.B.
2015MNRAS.450..192W 40           X         1 13 19 GTC OSIRIS transiting exoplanet atmospheric survey: detection of potassium in HAT-P-1b from narrow-band spectrophotometry. WILSON P.A., SING D.K., NIKOLOV N., et al.
2015ApJ...808...57N 79           X         2 7 5 Radial velocity eclipse mapping of exoplanets. NIKOLOV N. and SAINSBURY-MARTINEZ F.
2015A&A...580A..60M 40           X         1 24 18 Transmission spectroscopy of the inflated exo-Saturn HAT-P-19b. MALLONN M., VON ESSEN C., WEINGRILL J., et al.
2015PASP..127..941C 80             C       1 31 86 Observations of exoplanet atmospheres. CROSSFIELD I.J.M.
2015ApJ...813...47M viz 84           X         2 16 161 Model atmospheres of irradiated exoplanets: the influence of stellar parameters, metallicity, and the C/O ratio. MOLLIERE P., VAN BOEKEL R., DULLEMOND C., et al.
2015MNRAS.453.3875P 913     A D S   X C F     21 6 ~ Exoplanet transmission spectroscopy using KMOS. PARVIAINEN H., AIGRAIN S., THATTE N., et al.
2015A&A...583A.138M 40           X         1 15 25 Broad-band spectrophotometry of the hot Jupiter HAT-P-12b from the near-UV to the near-IR. MALLONN M., NASCIMBENI V., WEINGRILL J., et al.
2015MNRAS.454.3002Z 79             C       1 61 11 Secondary eclipse observations for seven hot-Jupiters from the Anglo-Australian Telescope. ZHOU G., BAYLISS D.D.R., KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER L., et al.
2016ApJ...816...18E 445     A D     X C       11 12 39 Orbital decay of hot jupiters due to nonlinear tidal dissipation within solar-type hosts. ESSICK R. and WEINBERG N.N.
2016Natur.529...59S 372           X         8 13 668 A continuum from clear to cloudy hot-Jupiter exoplanets without primordial water depletion. SING D.K., FORTNEY J.J., NIKOLOV N., et al.
2016ApJ...817L..16S 21       D               1 21 108 Quantifying and predicting the presence of clouds in exoplanet atmospheres. STEVENSON K.B.
2016ApJ...819...10W 41           X         1 28 37 Marginalizing instrument systematics in HST WFC3 transit light curves. WAKEFORD H.R., SING D.K., EVANS T., et al.
2016ApJ...821....9K 1271       D     X C       31 11 126 The atmospheric circulation of a nine-hot-Jupiter sample: probing circulation and chemistry over a wide phase space. KATARIA T., SING D.K., LEWIS N.K., et al.
2016ApJ...821...16K 152       D     X C       3 9 151 Atmospheric circulation of hot jupiters: dayside-nightside temperature differences. KOMACEK T.D. and SHOWMAN A.P.
2016ApJ...822L...4E 146           X         3 6 158 Detection of H2O and evidence for TiO/VO in an ultra-hot exoplanet atmosphere. EVANS T.M., SING D.K., WAKEFORD H.R., et al.
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