TYC 3805-1694-1 , the SIMBAD biblio

2010AJ....139.1801Y - Astron. J., 139, 1801-1807 (2010/May-0)

Period variation and asymmetry light curves of XY Ursae Majoris.


Abstract (from CDS):

New CCD photometric observations of the chromospherically active binary XY Ursae Majoris (XY UMa) were obtained every year since 2006. The light curves obtained in the late Spring of 2006 show obvious variations on a short timescale, while the light curves obtained in 2008 December do not. But both sets of light curves are markedly asymmetric, and were analyzed using the 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney code with spot model. New absolute physical parameters are obtained. It is found that the total spotted area on the more massive component covers 7% of the photospheric surface in 2008 December. Fitting all available light minimum times including the newly obtained ones with a sinusoidal ephemeris and a four-part linear ephemeris reveals that the orbital period undergoes quasi-periodic oscillation rather than sinusoidal variations. Between the two mechanisms of magnetic activity and a third body around the eclipsing pair, the former one is more plausible.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): binaries: close - stars: individual: XY UMa - stars: magnetic field - starspots

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/AJ/139/1801): table2.dat>

Simbad objects: 10

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