SDSS J115019.56+120257.3 , the SIMBAD biblio

2009ApJ...696.1319F - Astrophys. J., 696, 1319-1338 (2009/May-2)

A search for disk-galaxy lenses in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present the first automated spectroscopic search for disk-galaxy lenses, using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) database. We follow up eight gravitational lens candidates, selected among a sample of ∼40,000 candidate massive disk galaxies, using a combination of ground-based imaging and long-slit spectroscopy. We confirm two gravitational lens systems: one probable disk galaxy and one probable S0 galaxy. The remaining systems are four promising disk-galaxy lens candidates, as well as two probable gravitational lenses whose lens galaxy might be an S0 galaxy. The redshifts of the lenses are zlens∼ 0.1. The redshift range of the background sources is zsource ∼ 0.3-0.7. The systems presented here are (confirmed or candidate) galaxy-galaxy lensing systems, that is, systems where the multiple images are faint and extended, allowing an accurate determination of the lens galaxy mass and light distributions without contamination from the background galaxy. Moreover, the low redshift of the (confirmed or candidates) lens galaxies is favorable for measuring rotation points to complement the lensing study. We estimate the rest-frame total mass-to-light ratio within the Einstein radius for the two confirmed lenses: we find Mtot/LI= 5.4±1.5 within 3.9±0.9 kpc for SDSS J081230.30+543650.9 and Mtot/LI= 1.5±0.9 within 1.4±0.8 kpc for SDSS J145543.55+530441.2 (all in solar units). Hubble Space Telescope or adaptive optics imaging is needed to further study the systems.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): dark matter - galaxies: spiral - Galaxy: fundamental parameters - Galaxy: structure - gravitational lensing

Nomenclature: Table 2: [FHM2009] SDSS JHHMM+DDMM N=8, [FHM2009] SDSS JHHMM+DDMM lens N=8, [FHM2009] SDSS JHHMM+DDMM source N=8. Table 6, Fig. 14: [FHM2009] Galaxy A (Nos A-E).

CDS comments: In Abstract, SDSS J081230.30+543650.9 is a misprint for SDSS J081213.30+543650.9.

Simbad objects: 36

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