OGLE J004738.42-725751.5 , the SIMBAD biblio

2002A&A...393..887M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 393, 887-896 (2002/10-3)

On Be star candidates and possible blue pre-main sequence objects in the Small Magellanic Cloud.


Abstract (from CDS):

Recently the OGLE experiment has provided accurate light curves and colours for about 2 millions stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud. We have examined this database for its content of Be stars, applying some selection criteria, and we have found a sample of ∼1000 candidates. Some of these stars show beautiful light curves with amazing variations never observed in any Galactic variable. We find outbursts in 13% of the sample (type-1 stars), high and low states in 15%, periodic variations in 7%, and the usual variations seen in Galactic Be stars in 65% of the cases. The Galactic counterparts of type-1 objects could be the outbursting Be stars found by Hubert & Floquet (1998A&A...335..565H) after the analysis of Hipparcos photometry. We discuss the possibility that type-1 stars could correspond to Be stars with accreting white dwarf companions or alternatively, blue pre-main sequence stars surrounded by thermally unstable accretion disks. We provide coordinates and basic photometric information for these stars and some examples of light curves.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: pre-main sequence - stars: emission-line, Be - stars: variable: general - X-rays: binaries - galaxies: individual: SMC

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/393/887): table1.dat table3.dat table5.dat table6.dat>

CDS comments: Cl* NGC 330 KWBBE 1239 is a probable misprint for Cl* NGC 330 KWBBE 239.

Simbad objects: 1058

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