HH 9 , the SIMBAD biblio

HH 9 , the SIMBAD biblio (108 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.06.16CEST12:12:19

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1974LicOB.658....1H 84 245 Draft catalog of Herbig-Haro objects . HERBIG G.H.
1975ApJ...202...81L 21 116 H2O sources in regions of star formation. LO K.Y., BURKE B.F. and HASCHICK A.D.
1976ApJ...204L..21L 6 28 The unusual H2O maser source near Herbig-Haro object number 11. LO K.Y., MORRIS M., MORAN J.M., et al.
1977A&AS...29...65B 204 48 A catalogue of bright nebulosities in opaque dust clouds. BERNES C.
1980ApJ...237...26H 69 T                   9 86 Observations of a compact H II region and water vapor maser sources in the vicinity of the Herbig-Haro objects
1980ApJ...237...38H 30 63 Observations of Herbig-Haro objects and their surrounding dark clouds. HO P.T.P. and BARRETT A.H.
1981A&A....99...80S 16 47 H2O masers associated with bright nebulosities in dark clouds. SANDELL G. and OLOFSSON H.
1982ApJ...255L.119L 9 19 High-velocity molecular gas in the dark cloud L 1529. LICHTEN S.M.
1982ApJ...262..619H 1 10 64 Mass outflow in star formation regions : Cepheus A. HO P.T.P., MORAN J.M. and RODRIGUEZ L.F.
1983ApJ...267..596B 23 23 High-velocity outflow sources in molecular clouds : the case for low-mass stars. BECKWITH S., NATTA A. and SALPETER E.E.
1983ApJ...270..519D 1 19 114 Magnetic bubbles and high-velocity outflows in molecular clouds. DRAINE B.T.
1983ApJ...270..605E 59 143 A survey of high-velocity molecular gas in the vicinity of Herbig-Haro objects. I. EDWARDS S. and SNELL R.L.
1983IAUC.3887....0L 7 ~ SSV-13 and Herbig-Haro 7-11. LISEAU R.
1983RMxAA...7..119Z 7 1 IR mapping of HH-objects 7-11 in molecular hydrogen emission lines. ZEALEY W.J., WILLIAMS P.M. and SANDELL G.
1984A&A...140L..31Z 7 32 Infrared mapping of the Herbig-Haro complex HH7-11 in the S (1) emission line of molecular hydrogen. ZEALEY W.J., WILLIAMS P.M. and SANDELL G.
1984A&A...141..255H 1 16 121 Infrared polarization of sources with bipolar mass outflows. HODAPP K.-W.
1984AJ.....89.1404J 22 37 The proper motions of Herbig-Haro objects. IV. RNO 40 and 43. JONES B.F., COHEN M., SIRK M., et al.
1984ApJ...281..237E 64 131 A survey of high-velocity molecular gas near Herbig-Haro objects. II. EDWARDS S. and SNELL R.L.
1984ApJ...282..699B 2 17 188 VLA observations of T Tauri stars. II. A luminosity limited survey of Taurus-Auriga. BIEGING J.H., COHEN M. and SCHWARTZ P.R.
1984MNRAS.207..339S 18 82 On the nature of the strong cosmic H2O masers. STRELNITSKIJ V.S.
1984Ap&SS.106..181D 13 60 The interpretation of flows in molecular clouds. DYSON J.E.
1984Natur.311..236T 1 7 51 Molecular hydrogen jets from the Orion nebula. TAYLOR K.N.R., STOREY J.W.V., SANDELL G., et al.
1985AJ.....90.2291H 26 10 Models for infrared polarization from protostellar sources. HECKERT P.A. and ZEILIK M.
1985ApJ...291..708S 16 72 Polarimetry of infrared sources in bipolar CO flows. SATO S., NAGATA T., NAKAJIMA T., et al.
1985ApJ...296..633C 25 73 Far-infrared observations of the exciting stars of Herbig-Haro objects. III. Circumstellar disks. COHEN M., HARVEY P.M. and SCHWARTZ R.D.
1986A&A...165..197H 62 59 H2O maser emission from HH 6 and other star-forming regions. HENKEL C., HASCHICK A.D. and GUSTEN R.
1986AJ.....92..885G 22 54 New observations of Herbig-Haro objects and related stars. GOODRICH R.W.
1986ApJ...303..349T 22 39 Temperature determination of surrounding molecular clouds in bipolar flow sources. TAKANO T.
1986ApJ...303..683S 68 200 Compact radio sources associated with molecular outflows. SNELL R.L. and BALLY J.
1986ApJ...304..459L 11 27 The geometry of anisotropic CO outflows. LISEAU R. and SANDELL G.
1986ApJ...307..787T 51 60 Ammonia observations of regions with molecular outflows. TORRELLES J.M., HO P.T.P., MORAN J.M., et al.
1986ApJ...311..371M 57 56 Luminosities of sources associated with molecular outflows. MOZURKEWICH D., SCHWARTZ P.R. and SMITH H.A.
1986ApJS...62...39S 1 52 243 Optical manifestations of mass outflows from young stars : an atlas of CCD images of Herbig-Haro objects. STROM K.M., STROM S.E., WOLFF S.C., et al.
1986MNRAS.221p..47L 8 ~ A protostellar jet model for Herbig-Haro 2. LIGHTFOOT J.F. and GLENCROSS W.M.
1986MNRAS.221..993L 14 42 Molecular hydrogen mapping of Herbig-Haro 7-11; a filamentary bullet ? LIGHTFOOT J.F. and GLENCROSS W.M.
1986PASP...98.1012R 9 0 XIV. Bipolar outflows: what is the collimating mechanism ? RODRIGUEZ L.F.
1986Ap&SS.118..421H 19 11 Star formation associated with high-velocity mass outflows. HASEGAWA T.
1986BAAS...18..694H 12 0 CS observations of sources of outflow and the H II region W 51 Main. HASCHICK A.D. and ZISK S.H.
1986BAAS...18..973R 6 0 A disk around HH 7-11 IR. RUDOLPH A., PALMER P. and WELCH W.J.
1986PASJ...38..199O 17 8 Hydrodynamical model of the Orion KL nebula. OKUDA T. and IKEUCHI S.
1986S&W....25..206B 22 0 Staubscheiben und Molekulflusse bei jungen Sternen. BUHRKE T. and HODAPP K.-W.
1987AJ.....93.1172S 2 6 71 The velocity field and structure of the HH 7-HH 11 complex. SOLF J. and BOHM K.H.
1987AJ.....94.1653H 15 13 The magnetic field geometry in the vicinity of HH 7-11/HH 12 and HH 33/HH 40. HEYER M.H., STROM S.E. and STROM K.M.
1987ApJ...317..231B 29 38 Polarization, jets and the distribution of circumstellar dust around T Tauri stars and other young infrared sources. BASTIEN P.
1987ApJ...318..729M 27 22 OH outflows in star-forming regions. MIRABEL I.F., RUIZ A., RODRIGUEZ L.F., et al.
1987ApJ...320..356G 1 10 41 A possible protostar near HH 7-11. GROSSMAN E.N., MASSON C.R., SARGENT A.I., et al.
1987ApJS...63..645U 163 353 A CO survey of the dark nebulae in Perseus, Taurus and Auriga. UNGERECHTS H. and THADDEUS P.
1987MNRAS.225..741F 2 7 57 Steady stellar jets. FALLE S.A.E.G., INNES D.E. and WILSON M.J.
1987MNRAS.226..461J 35 139 IRAS observations of NGC 1333. JENNINGS R.E., CAMERON D.H.M., CUDLIP W., et al.
1987AISAO..24...85A 53 6 The variability of H2O maser emission at 1.35 cm wavelength. I. Observational data. ABRAMYAN L.E., VENGER A.P., GOSACHINSKIJ I.V., et al.
1987Natur.325..228S 6 15 A model for collimated outflows in molecular clouds and the case of HH 7-11. SILVESTRO G., FERRARI A., ROSNER R., et al.
1988A&A...190..289P 18 49 CO J=3-2 and J=2-1 spectroscopy and mapping of ten high velocity molecular outflow sources. PHILLIPS J.P., WHITE G.J., RAINEY R., et al.
1988A&A...192..153L 26 83 The structure of the molecular outflow near SSV 13 and HH 7-11 in the NGC 1333 region. LISEAU R., SANDELL G. and KNEE L.B.G.
1988A&A...195..257W 33 7 CCH N = 4-3 emission from dense interstellar clouds. WATT G.D., WHITE G.J., MILLAR T.J., et al.
1988A&A...200...99B 4 11 190 A detailed study of HH 34 and its associated jet. BUHRKE T., MUNDT R. and RAY T.P.
1988A&AS...74..431V 201 17 A working catalogue of Herbig Haro objects. VON HIPPEL T., BELL BURNELL S.J. and WILLIAMS P.M.
1988ApJ...326L..31R 4 5 88 Herbig-Haro object as shocked ambient cloudlets - high-resolution radio observations of HH 7-11. RUDOLPH A. and WELCH W.J.
1988ApJ...326..859H 26 25 2.0 to 2.4 micron spectroscopy of T Tauri stars. HAMANN F., SIMON M. and RIDGWAY S.T.
1988ApJ...327..350S 27 40 CO pedestal features from IRAS sources in dark clouds. SCHWARTZ P.R., GEE G. and HUANG Y.-L.
1988ApJ...327..817N 1 6 35 Neutral winds from cool young stars : a solution to the line deficit problem. NATTA A., GIOVANARDI C., PALLA F., et al.
1988ApJ...328L..19S 12 5 246 Mass loss from rapidly rotating magnetic protostars. SHU F.H., LIZANO S., RUDEN S.P., et al.
1988ApJ...328..763L 3 12 182 Neutral stellar winds that drive bipolar outflows in low-mass protostars. LIZANO S., HEILES C., RODRIGUEZ L.F., et al.
1988ApJ...329..863C 22 44 Observations of the 63 micron O I line in Herbig-Haro objects. COHEN M., HOLLENBACH D.J., HAAS M.R., et al.
1988ApJ...330..817G 18 47 Limits on refractive interstellar scattering toward Sagittarius B2. GWINN C.R., MORAN J.M., REID M.J., et al.
1988ApJ...332..921N 3 5 68 Ionization structure and emission of winds from low-luminosity pre-main-sequence stars. NATTA A., GIOVANARDI C. and PALLA F.
1988MNRAS.233..791M 14 46 An extended high-speed flow from a compact, ionized knot in the Orion nebula (M 42). MEABURN J.
1988ApL....26..217S 6 ~ The evolution of molecular clouds. SHU F.H. and LIZANO S.
1988ApL....27..105S 9 ~ SIRTF and star formation. SHU F.H.
1988Ap&SS.144..615H 1 9 53 Mass pick-up in astronomical flows. HARTQUIST T.W. and DYSON J.E.
1988Ap&SS.148..343B 18 11 Leptonic jets from young stellar objects. BLOME H.J. and KUNDT W.
1988RMxAA..16...13R 9 9 High resolution images of Herbig-Haro objects. RAGA A.C. and MATEO M.
1989MNRAS.237....1B 111 38 The evolutionary status of young stellar mass loss driving sources as derived from IRAS observations. BERRILLI F., CECCARELLI C., LISEAU R., et al.
1990ApJ...354..232G 2 12 103 Images of shock-excited molecular hydrogen in young stellar outflows. GARDEN R.P., RUSSELL A.P.G. and BURTON M.G.
1990ApJ...357L..49M 12 27 Large-scale interaction of the outflow and quiescent gas in Orion MARTIN-PINTADO J., RODRIGUEZ-FRANCO A. and BACHILLER R.
1990ApJ...359..125M 11 23 Aperture synthesis observations of NH3 in OMC-1: filamentary structures around Orion-KL. MURATA Y., KAWABE R., ISHIGURO M., et al.
1991ApJ...369L..75H 1 8 37 Ionization fronts and shocked flows: the structure of the Orion nebula at 0".1. HESTER J.J., GILMOZZI R., O'DELL C.R., et al.
1991ApJ...371..226S 1 16 72 Near-infrared emission-line images of three Herbig-Haro objects. STAPELFELDT K.R., BEICHMAN C.A., HESTER J.J., et al.
1991ApJ...383L..19E 1 7 42 An optical/infrared outburst in the exciting source of HH 7-11. EISLOEFFEL J., GUNTHER E., HESSMAN F.V., et al.
1993ApJ...406..553C 1 6 43 The H2 velocity field in Herbig-Haro 7-11. CARR J.S.
1993ApJ...413..210S 2 10 97 Numerical simulations of prostellar jets with nonequilibrium cooling. II. Models of pulsed jets. STONE J.M. and NORMAN M.L.
1994A&A...284..530E 21 61 Proper motion measurements and high resolution imaging of the HH 46/47 outflow. EISLOEFFEL J. and MUNDT R.
1994ApJ...435L.145G 19 44 Ammonia downstream from HH 80 North. GIRART J.M., RODRIGUEZ L.F., ANGLADA G., et al.
1995AJ....110..766D 29 43 Near-infrared and optical imaging of the L1551-IRS 5 region - The importance of poorly collimated outflows from young stars. DAVIS C.J., MUNDT R., EISLOEFFEL J., et al.
1995MNRAS.274..639F 17 39 Shock diagnostics in Herbig-Haro 7: evidence for H2 fluorescence. FERNANDES A.J.L. and BRAND P.W.J.L.
1995PPMtO..14..185H viz 14       D               1 437 0 An atlas of H2O maser observations on the 13.7m radio telescope of Purple Mountain Observatory. HAN F., MAO R.Q., LEI C.-M., et al.
1996ApJ...462..355M 16 8 The location of extremely high velocity HCO+ in the HH 7-11 outflow. MEHRINGER D.M.
1996ApJ...473L..49B 84 111 A burst of Herbig-Haro flows in NGC 1333. BALLY J., DEVINE D. and REIPURTH B.
1997ApJ...480L.125R 1 14 43 Is SVS 13 the exciting source of the HH 7-11 flow? RODRIGUEZ L.F., ANGLADA G. and CURIEL S.
1998A&A...334..269L 24 60 Cores and cavities in NGC 1333. LEFLOCH B., CASTETS A., CERNICHARO J., et al.
2000A&A...364..293M 19 5 Scanning Fabry-Perot observations of the HH 7-11 outflow system. MOVSESSIAN T.A., MAGAKIAN T.Y., AMRAM P., et al.
2000ApJ...538..698M 13 35 Infrared space observatory spectroscopy of HH 7-11 flow and its redshifted counterpart. MOLINARI S., NORIEGA-CRESPO A., CECCARELLI C., et al.
2001AJ....122.3317N 20 17 The optical proper motions of HH 7-11 and Cepheus E. NORIEGA-CRESPO A. and GARNAVICH P.M.
2001PASP..113.1025T 274 7 Astrophysics in 2000. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.J.
2002ApJ...580..959N 8 8 Hubble space telescope NICMOS images of the HH 7/11 outflow in NGC 1333. NORIEGA-CRESPO A., COTERA A., YOUNG E., et al.
2003ApJS..144...71F 268 129 Water maser survey toward low-mass young stellar objects in the northern sky with the Nobeyama 45 meter telescope and the Very Large Array. FURUYA R.S., KITAMURA Y., WOOTTEN A., et al.
2003MNRAS.338...57K 34 14 A multi-epoch near-infrared study of the HH 7-11 protostellar outflow. KHANZADYAN T., SMITH M.D., DAVIS C.J., et al.
2003MNRAS.339..524S 17 36 Anatomy of the Herbig-Haro object HH7 bow shock. SMITH M.D., KHANZADYAN T. and DAVIS C.J.
2004RMxAC..21..100A 41 2 VLA observations of disks and jets in young close binaries. ANGLADA G.
2005AJ....129.2308W 189 48 Deep imaging surveys of star-forming clouds. III. Herbig-Haro objects in the Perseus molecular cloud. WALAWENDER J., BALLY J. and REIPURTH B.
2006A&A...449.1089V 28 8 An observational survey of molecular emission ahead of Herbig-Haro objects. VITI S., GIRART J.M. and HATCHELL J.
2008A&A...487..605A 15       D               1 75 10 The direction of outflows from filaments: constraints on core formation. ANATHPINDIKA S. and WHITWORTH A.P.
2009ApJ...691.1729C 76               F     2 43 16 IRAM-PdBI observations of binary protostars. I. The hierarchical system SVS 13 in NGC 1333. CHEN X., LAUNHARDT R. and HENNING T.
2013AJ....145...28R 39           X         1 17 15 Proper motions of young stellar outflows in the mid-infrared with Spitzer (IRAC). I. The NGC 1333 region. RAGA A.C., NORIEGA-CRESPO A., CAREY S.J., et al.
2016ApJ...822...82P 11 3 Highly excited H2 in Herbig-Haro 7: formation pumping in shocked molecular gas? PIKE R.E., GEBALLE T.R., BURTON M.G., et al.
2017AJ....154..177D 81             C       1 34 2 Interpretation of a variable reflection nebula associated with HBC 340 and HBC 341 in NGC 1333. DAHM S.E. and HILLENBRAND L.A.
2019ApJ...876..147H 293       S   X         6 32 ~ Proper motions and shock wave dynamics in the HH 7-11 stellar jet. HARTIGAN P., HOLCOMB R. and FRANK A.
2020A&A...642A.216S viz 85           X         2 39 ~ Probing the hidden atomic gas in Class I jets with SOFIA. SPERLING T., EISLOFFEL J., FISCHER C., et al.
2021RNAAS...5..214R 87               F     1 15 ~ Extinction Correction and the [Fe II] 1.26 μm/1.64 μm Intensity Ratio. RUBINSTEIN A.E.

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