HD 82856 , the SIMBAD biblio

HD 82856 , the SIMBAD biblio (20 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST15:01:20

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1975MSS...C01....0H viz 14       D               1 36368 ~ Catalogue of two dimentional spectral types for the HD stars, Vol. 1 HOUK N. and COWLEY A.P.
1977A&AS...27...47H 280 10 Uvby beta photometry of equatorial and southern bright stars. HECK A.
1987A&AS...70...33H 54 21 Photometric variability of some CP stars. HECK A., MATHYS G. and MANFROID J.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
2001A&A...373..625P viz 742 25 A spectroscopic survey for λ Bootis stars. II. The observational data. PAUNZEN E., DUFFEE B., HEITER U., et al.
2005AJ....129.2420M viz 3785 146 Statistical constraints for astrometric binaries with nonlinear motion. MAKAROV V.V. and KAPLAN G.H.
2007A&A...464..377F viz 15       D               3640 57 Proper-motion binaries in the Hipparcos catalogue. Comparison with radial velocity data. FRANKOWSKI A., JANCART S. and JORISSEN A.
2007A&A...474..653V viz 15       D               1 118084 3051 Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction. VAN LEEUWEN F.
2012A&A...546A..61D viz 15       D               1 88080 48 Radial velocities for the HIPPARCOS-Gaia Hundred-Thousand-Proper-Motion project. DE BRUIJNE J.H.J. and EILERS A.-C.
2012MNRAS.427..343M viz 15       D               1 95691 216 Fundamental parameters and infrared excesses of Hipparcos stars. McDONALD I., ZIJLSTRA A.A. and BOYER M.L.
1993yCat.3135....0C viz 14       D               1 252977 52 VizieR Online Data Catalog: Henry Draper Catalogue and Extension, published in Ann. Harvard Obs. 91-100 (1918-1925) CANNON A.J. and PICKERING E.C.
2015A&A...580A..23P viz 16       D               2 60853 134 A new catalogue of Stroemgren-Crawford uvbyβ photometry. PAUNZEN E.
2017AJ....153..257O viz 16       D               1 10625 142 Comoving stars in Gaia DR1: an abundance of very wide separation comoving pairs. OH S., PRICE-WHELAN A.M., HOGG D.W., et al.
2018A&A...609A.116R viz 16       D               1 143018 65 Empirical photometric calibration of the Gaia red clump: Colours, effective temperature, and absolute magnitude. RUIZ-DERN L., BABUSIAUX C., ARENOU F., et al.
2018AJ....155..149B viz 16       D               1 9764 5 Fundamental properties of co-moving stars observed by Gaia. BOCHANSKI J.J., FAHERTY J.K., GAGNE J., et al.
2018ApJS..239....2B viz 16       D               1 4222 229 A revised exoplanet yield from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). BARCLAY T., PEPPER J. and QUINTANA E.V.
2018A&A...620A.172Z viz 16       D               1 127608 99 3D mapping of young stars in the solar neighbourhood with Gaia DR2. ZARI E., HASHEMI H., BROWN A.G.A., et al.
2019A&A...623A..72K viz 17       D               1 117374 256 Stellar and substellar companions of nearby stars from Gaia DR2. Binarity from proper motion anomaly. KERVELLA P., ARENOU F., MIGNARD F., et al.
2019MNRAS.490.3158C viz 17       D               1 465837 28 A catalogue of stellar diameters and fluxes for mid-infrared interferometry. CRUZALEBES P., PETROV R.G., ROBBE-DUBOIS S., et al.
2021ApJS..254...42B viz 17       D               1 115489 112 The Hipparcos-Gaia Catalog of Accelerations: Gaia EDR3 edition. BRANDT T.D.

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