Cl* NGC 7062 FAS V16 , the SIMBAD biblio

2001A&A...368..580F - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 368, 580-592 (2001/3-3)

Multimode δ Scuti stars in the open cluster NGC 7062.


Abstract (from CDS):

The central field of NGC 7062 was observed intensively with the main goal of finding δ Scuti stars suitable for use in asteroseismological tests of stellar structure and evolution theory. BV time series photometry was obtained for this northern open cluster, which has a large population of stars inside the δ Scuti instability strip, making it a probable host of several such variables. We report findings of 15 pulsating stars, including at least 13 δ Scuti stars. Ten variables oscillate in two or more frequencies. Only one of these variables was known before, for which we detected 9 frequencies. Five probable variables are mentioned, and period analysis is given for all 20 stars.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: δ Scuti - evolution - oscillations - (galaxy:) open clusters and associations: individual: NGC 7062

Nomenclature: Tables 2, 3: Cl* NGC 7062 FAS VNN (Nos V1-V20).

Simbad objects: 33

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