CD-44 7694 , the SIMBAD biblio

CD-44 7694 , the SIMBAD biblio (6 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.04CEST01:06:47

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Title First 3 Authors
1962RGOB...49....3C viz 890 5 Standard magnitudes in the E regions. COUSINS A.W.J. and STOY R.H.
1980SAAOC...1..149M 571 168 Photometric standard stars for the UBV and (RI)KC systems. MENZIES J.W., BANFIELD R.M. and LAING J.D.
1980SAAOC...1..175M 225 4 Photoelectric standards of intermediate brightness in the E-regions. I. UBV photometry. MENZIES J.W. and LAING J.D.
1989SAAOC..13....1M 672 213 UBV (RI)c standard stars in the E- and F-regions and in the Magellanic Clouds - a revised catalogue. MENZIES J.W., COUSINS A.W.J., BANFIELD R.M., et al.
1992MNRAS.255..308K 386 16 Secondary uvby standards in the Harvard E-regions. KILKENNY D. and LAING J.D.
2019MNRAS.490.3158C viz 17       D               1 465835 28 A catalogue of stellar diameters and fluxes for mid-infrared interferometry. CRUZALEBES P., PETROV R.G., ROBBE-DUBOIS S., et al.

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