AzV 102 , the SIMBAD biblio

AzV 102 , the SIMBAD biblio (71 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST09:37:56

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Title First 3 Authors
1982A&AS...50..291A 523 98 Catalogue of the Small Magellanic Cloud star members. AZZOPARDI M. and VIGNEAU J.
1987ApJ...317..152B 40 29 Deep Einstein X-ray imagery of the Small Magellanic Cloud. BRUHWEILER F.C., KLINGLESMITH III D.A., GULL T.R., et al.
1991A&A...244...69B 248 89 A new identification technique for OB associations: OB associations in the Small Magellanic Cloud. BATTINELLI P.
1992ApJS...78..391W 91 111 A comprehensive X-ray study of the Small Magellanic Cloud. WANG Q. and WU X.
1993A&AS..102..451M viz 14       D               1 1967 135 A new catalogue of H-alpha emission-line stars and small nebulae in the Small Magellanic Cloud. MEYSSONNIER N. and AZZOPARDI M.
1995IAUC.6277....1I 71 T                   5 15 HD 49798 and 2E 0050.1-7247. ISRAEL G.L., STELLA L., ANGELINI L., et al.
1996A&A...312..919K 22 47 X-ray binary systems in the Small Magellanic Cloud. KAHABKA P. and PIETSCH W.
1997A&AS..126..237C 32 6 Near-IR photometry of southern X-ray binary systems. COE M.J., BUCKLEY D.A.H., FABREGAT J., et al.
1997AJ....113.1011C viz 241 20 UIT: Ultraviolet observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud. CORNETT R.H., GREASON M.R., HILL J.K., et al.
1997ApJ...484L.141I 107 T K                 12 31 The discovery of 8.9 second pulsations from the variable X-ray source
2E 0050.1-7247 in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
1997ApJS..113..367B 4 44 656 Observations of accreting pulsars. BILDSTEN L., CHAKRABARTY D., CHIU J., et al.
1997PASP..109...21C 117 47 Magellanic cloud X-ray sources observed with ROSAT. COWLEY A.P., SCHMIDTKE P.C., McGRATH T.K., et al.
1998A&A...338..505N 1 30 129 On the nature of Be/X-ray binaries. NEGUERUELA I.
1998AJ....115.2587T viz 533 8 Initial results of a comprehensive ultrasoft survey of the Einstein IPC database: source list and confirmation of the selection procedure. THOMPSON R.J., SHELTON R.G. and ARNING C.A.
1999A&AS..136...81K viz 259 51 A ROSAT PSPC X-ray survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. KAHABKA P., PIETSCH W., FILIPOVIC M.D., et al.
1999MNRAS.309..421S 17 37 The optical counterparts to Be/X-ray binaries in the Magellanic Clouds. STEVENS J.B., COE M.J. and BUCKLEY D.A.H.
2000A&A...359..573H 116 59 Doubling the number of Be/X-ray binaries in the SMC. HABERL F. and SASAKI M.
2000A&AS..142...41H viz 567 98 A ROSAT PSPC catalogue of X-ray sources in the SMC region. HABERL F., FILIPOVIC M.D., PIETSCH W., et al.
2000A&AS..147...25L viz 129 183 A catalogue of high-mass X-ray binaries. LIU Q.Z., VAN PARADIJS J. and VAN DEN HEUVEL E.P.J.
2000MNRAS.311..169C 15 24 OGLE observations of four X-ray binary pulsars in the Small Magellanic Cloud. COE M.J. and OROSZ J.A.
2001MNRAS.320..281B 8 15 Multiwaveband studies of the hard ROSAT SMC transient 1WGA J0053.8-7226: a new X-ray pulsar. BUCKLEY D.A.H., COE M.J., STEVENS J.B., et al.
2002A&A...393..887M viz 15       D               1 1058 85 On Be star candidates and possible blue pre-main sequence objects in the Small Magellanic Cloud. MENNICKENT R.E., PIETRZYNSKI G., GIEREN W., et al.
2002ApJ...567L.129L 1 4 13 Discovery of 16.6 and 25.5 second pulsations from the Small Magellanic Cloud. LAMB R.C., MACOMB D.J., PRINCE T.A., et al.
2002ApJS..141...81M viz 1418 322 A UBVR CCD survey of the Magellanic clouds. MASSEY P.
2002MmSAI..73.1038Z 57 33 Be/X-ray binaries. ZIOLKOWSKI J.
2003A&A...404.1023B 85 9 A puzzling paucity of double peaked X-ray pulsars. BULIK T., GONDEK-ROSINSKA D., SANTANGELO A., et al.
2003A&A...411L..59E viz 1017 51 High-energy sources before INTEGRAL. INTEGRAL reference catalog. EBISAWA K., BOURBAN G., BODAGHEE A., et al.
2004A&A...414..667H 81 70 X-ray observations of Be/X-ray binaries in the SMC. HABERL F. and PIETSCH W.
2004AJ....127.1632O viz 1518 61 Massive field stars and the stellar clustering law. OEY M.S., KING N.L. and PARKER J.W.
2004ApJ...609..133M 43 38 X-ray pulsars in the Small Magellanic Cloud. MAJID W.A., LAMB R.C. and MACOMB D.J.
2004MNRAS.353..601E viz 4200 120 A 2dF survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. EVANS C.J., HOWARTH I.D., IRWIN M.J., et al.
2004ATel..277....1C 75 T                   2 7 The orbital period of the SMC X-ray pulsar
2E 0050.1-7247.
CORBET R.H.D., COE M.J., EDGE W.R.T., et al.
2005A&A...442.1135L viz 167 85 High-mass X-ray binaries in the Magellanic Clouds. LIU Q.Z., VAN PARADIJS J. and VAN DEN HEUVEL E.P.J.
2005ApJS..161...96L 31 39 Long-term behavior of X-ray pulsars in the Small Magellanic Cloud. LAYCOCK S., CORBET R.H.D., COE M.J., et al.
2005MNRAS.356..502C 54 100 Optical properties of Small Magellanic Cloud X-ray binaries. COE M.J., EDGE W.R.T., GALACHE J.L., et al.
2005MNRAS.358.1379C 33 16 An estimate of the supernova kick velocities for high-mass X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud. COE M.J.
2006AJ....132..919S 37   K                 13 19 Photometric variability of Be/X-ray pulsar binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud. SCHMIDTKE P.C. and COWLEY A.P.
2007MNRAS.377..867R 75           X         2 34 16 On the neutron star-disc interaction in Be/X-ray binaries. REIG P.
2008ApJS..177..189G 279       D S   X C       6 54 68 A long look at the Be/X-ray binaries of the Small Magellanic Cloud. GALACHE J.L., CORBET R.H.D., COE M.J., et al.
2008MNRAS.388.1198M viz 15       D               3 64 33 Spectral distribution of Be/X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud. McBRIDE V.A., COE M.J., NEGUERUELA I., et al.
2007PASJ...59..961K 110 7 Radiative column and light curve of X-ray binary pulsars. KARINO S.
2008A&A...489..327H 15       D               1 42 38 XMM-Newton observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud: Be/X-ray binary pulsars active between October 2006 and June 2007. HABERL F., EGER P. and PIETSCH W.
2009ApJ...697.1695A viz 15       D               3 79 16 The Chandra survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud "Bar". II. Optical counterparts of X-ray sources. ANTONIOU V., ZEZAS A., HATZIDIMITRIOU D., et al.
2009ApJ...707.1080A 38           X         1 30 16 Optical spectroscopy of 20 Be/X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud. ANTONIOU V., HATZIDIMITRIOU D., ZEZAS A., et al.
2010MNRAS.401..252C 92       D     X         3 24 17 Exploring accretion theory with X-ray binaries in the small Magellanic cloud. COE M.J., McBRIDE V.A. and CORBET R.H.D.
2010ApJ...716.1217L viz 969       D S   X C       24 78 27 Exploring the Small Magellanic Cloud to the faintest X-ray fluxes: source catalog, timing, and spectral analysis. LAYCOCK S., ZEZAS A., HONG J., et al.
2010AJ....140..416B viz 15       D               1 5310 140 Spitzer SAGE-SMC infrared photometry of massive stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud. BONANOS A.Z., LENNON D.J., KOHLINGER F., et al.
2010A&A...520A..76A 15       D               1 126 8 Constraining compactness and magnetic field geometry of X-ray pulsars from the statistics of their pulse profiles. ANNALA M. and POUTANEN J.
2011MNRAS.413.1600R 476       D S   X C F     10 66 42 Very long-term optical variability of high-mass X-ray binaries in the small Magellanic cloud. RAJOELIMANANA A.F., CHARLES P.A. and UDALSKI A.
2011MNRAS.416.1556T 822       D S   X C F     19 53 63 On the orbital parameters of Be/X-ray binaries in the small Magellanic cloud. TOWNSEND L.J., COE M.J., CORBET R.H.D., et al.
2011PASJ...63S.677H viz 15       D               1 157 19 The first MAXI/GSC catalog in the high galactic-latitude sky. HIROI K., UEDA Y., ISOBE N., et al.
2012A&A...537L...1H 16       D               1 13 32 SXP 1062, a young Be X-ray binary pulsar with long spin period. Implications for the neutron star birth spin. HABERL F., STURM R., FILIPOVIC M.D., et al.
2012A&A...537A..76S 15       D               2 21 19 A new super-soft X-ray source in the Small Magellanic Cloud: discovery of the first Be/white dwarf system in the SMC ? STURM R., HABERL F., PIETSCH W., et al.
2012MNRAS.423.3663B 170       D     X   F     4 55 25 On the periodicities present in the optical light curves of small Magellanic cloud Be/X-ray binaries. BIRD A.J., COE M.J., McBRIDE V.A., et al.
2013MNRAS.431..252S 406       D S   X         10 60 10 An analysis of optical periods in individual Small Magellanic Cloud Be/X-ray pulsars. SCHMIDTKE P.C., COWLEY A.P. and UDALSKI A.
2013ApJS..207...36H viz 16       D               1 512 25 The 37 month MAXI/GSC source catalog of the high galactic-latitude sky. HIROI K., UEDA Y., HAYASHIDA M., et al.
2013A&A...558A...3S viz 16       D               1 3092 73 The XMM-Newton survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud: the X-ray point-source catalogue. STURM R., HABERL F., PIETSCH W., et al.
2014MNRAS.437.3863K 94       D       C       4 50 63 Spin period change and the magnetic fields of neutron stars in Be X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud. KLUS H., HO W.C.G., COE M.J., et al.
2011ATel.3538....1T 38           X         1 3 ~ RXTE finds a new 723s pulsar in the SMC (SXP 723). TOWNSEND L.J., COE M.J., CORBET R.H.D., et al.
2015MNRAS.452..969C 16       D               4 69 33 Catalogue of Be/X-ray binary systems in the Small Magellanic Cloud: X-ray, optical and IR properties. COE M.J. and KIRK J.
2016A&A...586A..81H viz 16       D               2 180 112 High-mass X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud. HABERL F. and STURM R.
2016ApJ...829...30C 578       D     X C       14 38 17 Tracing the lowest propeller line in Magellanic high-mass X-ray binaries. CHRISTODOULOU D.M., LAYCOCK S.G.T., YANG J., et al.
2017ApJ...839..119Y 16       D               2 66 27 A comprehensive library of X-ray pulsars in the Small Magellanic Cloud: time evolution of their luminosities and spin periods. YANG J., LAYCOCK S.G.T., CHRISTODOULOU D.M., et al.
2017MNRAS.466.4659B 41           X         1 21 ~ SXP 7.92: a recently rediscovered Be/X-ray binary in the Small Magellanic Cloud, viewed edge on. BARTLETT E.S., COE M.J., ISRAEL G.L., et al.
2017RAA....17...59C 41           X         1 27 3 Determination of the magnetic fields of Magellanic X-ray pulsars. CHRISTODOULOU D.M., LAYCOCK S.G.T., YANG J., et al.
2017ApJ...847...26H 138       D     X         4 50 10 Deep Chandra survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. II. Timing analysis of X-ray pulsars. HONG J., ANTONIOU V., ZEZAS A., et al.
2018MNRAS.477.4810B 16       D               1 36 3 Simulating the X-ray luminosity of Be X-ray binaries: the case for black holes versus neutron stars. BROWN R.O., HO W.C.G., COE M.J., et al.
2019MNRAS.488..387B 17       D               1 13 ~ Modelling decretion discs in Be/X-ray binaries. BROWN R.O., COE M.J., HO W.C.G., et al.
2019ApJ...887...20A viz 17       D               1 148 4 Deep Chandra survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. III. Formation efficiency of high-mass X-ray binaries. ANTONIOU V., ZEZAS A., DRAKE J.J., et al.
2021MNRAS.508..781K 44           X         1 18 12 Swift J011511.0-725611: discovery of a rare Be star/white dwarf binary system in the SMC. KENNEA J.A., COE M.J., EVANS P.A., et al.
2022ApJ...941..126H 18       D               1 106 ~ Monte Carlo Simulations on Possible Collimation Effects of Outflows to Fan Beam Emission of Ultraluminous Accreting X-Ray Pulsars. HOU X., YOU Y., JI L., et al.

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