2MASS J21170142+6820520 , the SIMBAD biblio

2015MNRAS.452..389D - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 452, 389-396 (2015/September-1)

Distance estimation of some selected small Bok globules.

DAS A., DAS H.S. and DEVI A.S.

Abstract (from CDS):

The distance determination of a small Bok globule is often difficult because of its small size and opaqueness. In this work, we determine the distances to six small Bok globules (CB 17, CB 24, CB 188, CB 224, CB 230 and CB 240) using near-infrared photometry (2MASS JHKS colours). The distances to these clouds are estimated to be 478±88, 293±54, 262±49, 378±70, 293±54 and 429±79 pc, respectively.

Abstract Copyright: © 2015 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society (2015)

Journal keyword(s): ISM: clouds - dust, extinction - stars: distances - infrared: ISM

Simbad objects: 178

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