2MASS J20574546+7823062 , the SIMBAD biblio

2009ApJS..185..451K - Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 185, 451-476 (2009/December-0)

Pre-main-sequence stars in the Cepheus flare region.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present results of optical spectroscopic and BVRCICphotometric observations of 77 pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars in the Cepheus flare region. A total of 64 of these are newly confirmed PMS stars, originally selected from various published candidate lists. We estimate effective temperatures and luminosities for the PMS stars, and comparing the results with PMS evolutionary models, we estimate stellar masses of 0.2-2.4 M and stellar ages of 0.1-15 Myr. Among the PMS stars, we identify 15 visual binaries with separations of 2-10 arcsec. From archival IRAS, Two Micron All Sky Survey, and Spitzer data, we construct their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and classify 5% of the stars as Class I, 10% as Flat SED, 60% as Class II, and 3% as Class III young stellar objects. We identify 12 classical T Tauri stars and two weak-line T Tauri stars as members of NGC 7023, with a mean age of 1.6 Myr. The 13 PMS stars associated with L1228 belong to three small aggregates: RNO 129, L1228A, and L1228S. The age distribution of the 17 PMS stars associated with L1251 suggests that star formation has propagated with the expansion of the Cepheus flare shell. We detect sparse aggregates of ∼6-7 Myr old PMS stars around the dark clouds L1177 and L1219, at a distance of ∼400 pc. Three T Tauri stars appear to be associated with the Herbig Ae star SV Cep at a distance of 600 pc. Our results confirm that the molecular complex in the Cepheus flare region contains clouds of various distances and star-forming histories.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: clouds - ISM: individual: Cepheus flare - stars: formation - stars: pre-main sequence

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/ApJS/185/451): table1.dat table2.dat table5.dat table7.dat refs.dat>

Nomenclature: Table 1: [KBK2009b] RNO 129 WW (Nos SW, NE), [KBK2009b] OSHA 48 A (Nos A-B), [KBK2009b] Em* 119 W (Nos N, S).

Simbad objects: 224

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