2E 1553.0+1558 , the SIMBAD biblio

1996A&AS..115...97V - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 115, 97-115 (1996/January-0)

Astrometry with the Digitized Sky Survey. Positions of 790 AGNs.


Abstract (from CDS):

From the measurement on the Digitized Sky Survey of the optical position of 153 QSOs with an accurate absolute VLBI position, we have determined that the rms uncertainty of these measurements is ∼0.6arcsec in both coordinates over the whole sky, except for objects located near one edge of the plate. We have measured the optical position of 790 AGNs (or AGN candidates). For many of these objects, the accuracy of the published optical position was 1 arcmin or worst.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): astrometry - galaxies: active - quasars

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+AS/115/97): refs table1 table2>

Errata: Erratum 1996, A&AS 117, p. 203

CDS comments: table 1 : S5 2007+77=S5 2007+776

Simbad objects: 927

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