[AR2002] NGC 2023 mm1 VLA 1 , the SIMBAD biblio

2002RMxAA..38...13A - Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrofis., 38, 13-21 (2002)

VLA detection of the exciting sources of the molecular outflows associated with L1448 IRS2, IRAS 05327+3404, L43, IRAS 22142+5206, L1211, and IRAS 23545+6508.


Journal keyword(s):

Nomenclature: Table 2: [AR2002] L1448 IRS 2 VLA N (Nos 1-6), [AR2002] AFGL-iki VLA N (Nos 1-2), [AR2002] IRAS 05327+3404 VLA N (Nos 1-2), [AR2002] NGC 2023 mm1 VLA N (Nos 1-2), [AR2002] L43 VLA N (Nos 1-4), [AR2002] IRAS 22103+5828 VLA N (Nos 1-3), [AR2002] IRAS 22142+5206 VLA N (Nos 1-2), [AR2002] L1211 VLA N (Nos 1-5), [AR2002] IRAS 23545+6508 VLA N (Nos 1-7).

Simbad objects: 45

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