[PMD2006] 123 , the SIMBAD biblio

2006A&A...450..993P - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 450, 993-1004 (2006/5-2)

Deep X-ray survey of the young open cluster NGC 2516 with XMM-Newton.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report a deep X-ray survey of the young (∼140Myr), rich open cluster NGC 2516 obtained with the EPIC camera on board the XMM-Newton satellite. By combining data from six observations, a high sensitivity, greater than a factor of 5 with respect to recent Chandra observations, has been achieved. Kaplan-Meier estimators of the cumulative X-ray luminosity distribution are built, statistically corrected for non members contaminants and compared to those of the nearly coeval Pleiades. The EPIC spectra of the X-ray brightest stars are fitted using optically thin model plasma with one or two thermal components. We detected 431 X-ray sources and 234 of them have as optical counterparts cluster stars spanning the entire NGC 2516 Main Sequence. On the basis of X-ray emission and optical photometry, we indicate 20 new candidate members of the cluster; at the same time we find 49 X-ray sources without known optical or infrared counterpart. The X-ray luminosities of cluster stars span the range logLX(erg/s)=28.4-30.8. The representative temperatures span the 0.3-0.6keV (3.5-8MK) range for the cool component and 1.0-2.0keV (12-23MK) for the hot one; similar values are found in other young open clusters like the Pleiades, IC 2391, and Blanco 1. While no significant differences are found in X-ray spectra, NGC 2516 solar type stars are definitely less luminous in X-rays than the nearly coeval Pleiades. The comparison with a previous ROSAT survey reveals the lack of variability amplitudes larger than a factor of 2 in solar type stars in a ∼11yr time scale of the cluster and thus activity cycles like in the Sun are probably absent or have a different period and amplitude in young stars.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): X-ray: stars - stars: activity - open clusters and associations: individual: NGC 2516

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/450/993): tablea1.dat tableb1.dat tablec1.dat>

Nomenclature: Table A1: [PMD2006] NNN (Nos 1-431).

CDS comments: Paragraph 4. inversion : object Cl* NGC 2516 JTH 9465 is JTX 114 in Simbad, Cl* NGC 2516 JTH 10817 is JTX 138.

Simbad objects: 793

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