[LKS2009]SDSS J0232+0106 , the SIMBAD biblio

2009ApJ...698..428L - Astrophys. J., 698, 428-438 (2009/June-2)

Difference imaging of lensed quasar candidates in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey supernova survey region.


Abstract (from CDS):

Difference imaging provides a new way to discover gravitationally lensed quasars because few nonlensed sources will show spatially extended, time variable flux. We test the method on the fields of lens candidates in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Supernova Survey region from the SDSS Quasar Lens Search (SQLS) and one serendipitously discovered lensed quasar. Starting from 20,536 sources, including 49 SDSS quasars, 32 candidate lenses/lensed images, and one known lensed quasar, we find that 174 sources including 35 SDSS quasars, 16 candidate lenses/lensed images, and the known lensed quasar are nonperiodic variable sources. We can measure the spatial structure of the variable flux for 119 of these variable sources and identify only eight as candidate extended variables, including the known lensed quasar. Only the known lensed quasar appears as a close pair of sources on the difference images. Inspection of the remaining seven suggests they are false positives, and only two were spectroscopically identified quasars. One of the lens candidates from the SQLS survives our cuts, but only as a single image instead of a pair. This indicates a false positive rate of order ∼1/4000 for the method, or given our effective survey area of order 0.82 deg2, ∼5 per deg2 in the SDSS Supernova Survey. The fraction of quasars not found to be variable and the false positive rate would both fall if we had analyzed the full, later data releases for the SDSS fields. While application of the method to the SDSS is limited by the resolution, depth, and sampling of the survey, several future surveys such as Pan-STARRS, LSST, and SNAP will significantly improve on these limitations.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): gravitational lensing - quasars: general

Nomenclature: Table 1: [LKS2009] SDSS JHHMM+DDMM N=26, [LKS2009] SDSS JHHMM+DDMM component 2 N=26.

Simbad objects: 88

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