[DZC97] 38 , the SIMBAD biblio

1997A&A...317..459D - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 317, 459-475 (1997/1-2)

AFGL 4029: a cluster of massive young stars.


Abstract (from CDS):

The molecular cloud IC 1848A, located at the border of the extended HII region S 199, harbors the bright infrared source AFGL 4029. A young star cluster is observed in this direction. We present an optical and near infrared study of this cluster, which contains at least thirty B stars. The visual extinction affecting the stars attains 30mag, and shows large variations on very small scales. The most massive star, possibly a B1V, ionizes the ultracompact HII region G138.300+1.558. The youngest object of the cluster, AFGL 4029-IRS 1 - identical to the radio source G138.295+1.555 - is a massive pre-main-sequence object illuminating a reflection nebula. AFGL 4029-IRS 1 is luminous (∼104L) and highly reddened (AV=25-30mag); displaying many of the spectral characteristics of pre-main-sequence objects (including bright and broad emission lines and the presence of FeII emission), it is very similar to the most luminous Herbig Ae/Be stars. AFGL 4029-IRS 1 shows evidence of mass ejection: it emits an ionized stellar wind with terminal velocities of about 400km/s and a mass loss rate of about 7x10–6M/yr; it is associated with a CO outflow and a high velocity optical jet; a bright unresolved H2 clump is observed in its vicinity. The whole complex is a very efficient star forming region, as about 10% of the mass of the parental molecular cloud has been used to form B stars.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: pre-main-sequence - ISM: reflection nebulae - infrared: stars - ISM: individual objects: AFGL 4029

Nomenclature: NAME AFGL 4029 CLUSTER. Table 1: [DZC97] NN (Nos 1-55)

CDS comments: Table 2: IRS 1, 2 = [TTH80] IRS 1, 2

Simbad objects: 69

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